August 14, 2008

What Women Have Mouths For

The answer is blow jobs according to Rush Limbaugh.

Rush's ideal companion



  1. John K: Uh did not see the word "BJ" in the Limbaugh piece. The lefties are the only people using the word. And to use the word they had to infer thoughts. (Something the left likes to do all the time, especially Olbermouth).
    Did see an Raleigh, NC article that says, "Elizabeth Edwards' cancer diagnosis forced her to decide quickly whether she would leave her husband after he confessed to having an affair, her brother and a friend told People magazine."
    Looks to me like the left is acting on their own perverse thoughts.

  2. Well, you are right, Rush said "using her mouth for something other than talking".

    Like Obama said "I don't look like the Presidents on the dollar and five dollar bills" and the McCain campaign then whined about Obama "playing the race card".

    So, John K, you reference the Raleigh article to ... what, laugh at Elizabeth Edwards?

  3. so john... what is it that YOU think rush was referring to?

  4. Maybe John K thought that Rush was referring to taking massive doses of Hillbilly Heroin, oh wait, that would be what Rush uses his mouth for.

  5. John K: Well cathcatz, not that.

  6. John K: So let me get this straight. Limbaugh never uttered the word or words associated with BJ. It was completely inferred by the lefies in this blog. Who then had access to a blow up doll (Gee wonder where they got that and why didn't they think that in itself was perverted) and through it all then convict Limbaugh. Not of actual actions or thoughts, it is the left with the blow up doll, but because they just want to.
    And you question me? LOL LOL LOL LMAO

  7. John K: So Ed Heath is that your blow up doll?

  8. John K: So Maria, you guys are the ones with the blow up doll taking pictures of it.

  9. ROFLOL! Great pic Maria, Great comment Rush!
    Bush, both stupid and stubborn, is the worst thing that has happened to this country. I cannot in good conscience vote for McCain because his ideals too closely resemble Bush's. Obama may not be the best choice, but he is by far the better choice.
    I will not exchange my civil liberties for security.
    PS. Where can I get me one of those dolls?

  10. john, for once, just once, just say that rush went too damn far on this one. have the common decency to admit that you darn well understood what rush meant and that it was truly low and cheap.

    please don't answer with anything about blow up dolls or mccain or anything else but limbaugh's remarks.

    you can not be that thick headed that you did not understand what limbaugh meant.

    he just should have taken the high road here and let this whole sorry mess fade away.

    just once, i'd like to see him stop being a radio personality long enough to show us that he still is a human being with even a shred of empathy or at least civility left to himself.

    p.s. when faced with the prospect of death or severe disablity, the choices made, especially if one has small children to plan for, by necessity may seem calculating to an outsider. it is in a way. it has to be. there are children's futures at stake.

  11. not that, john? really?

    and you're wrong. THIS blog did not make the inference, as this blog did not make the original statement.

    so if we leftist loons are so wrong, then wise sage, tell us exactly what rush really did mean.

  12. John K: See how the left lives in this state of denial. You read the blog, it shows a blow up doll, it says this is what Limbaugh said, he didn't just read his transcript, and we have someone in here saying they didn't make the inference. LMAO LOL LOL LOL LOL Well then who did, Obama? LOL LOL

  13. John K: Hey Sherry, he didn't say it! You did.

  14. Oh come off it, johnjohn, man up and admit your hero made a tasteless joke. I figured you'd be eight comments deep into freedom of speech and the humorlessness of the left by now -- not mealymouthing coyly about inferences.

  15. Yes John, you really never did answer the question. What is Rush refering to when he says "using her mouth for something other than talking"? What inference does Rush want us to take away, or is he just saying random words without expectation of being understood?

  16. The genius of right wing nuts like John K. is that we're still discussing this as if it's not a fact that Rush meant blow jobs. Of course it is. I like tasteless humor. Although I suspect there was some kind of taste involved here.

  17. i'm not sure if it's genius on their part or the silly notion on our part, thinking that fools can be taught.

  18. John K: You are aksing me what Limbaugh ment? LOL LOL LOL What i can read minds. LOL LMAO

  19. John K: So some liberal went into a shop, that liberal feminists decry, and bought an item, that liberal feminist say is sexist, makes an inference by putting words into someone's mouth, and then blames it all on Limbaugh.
    Who bought the doll? And just what type of minds do you left wing kooks have?
    I posted the comments as they appeared in the press that tells what Mrs. Edwards was thinking.
    I own this subject, you left wing kooks look like left wing kooks. LMAO
    But if you ruly believe in what you posted, then take the doll to the H. Dean meeting and give it to him to yuck it up.

  20. Exactly John K. You have proven you have no interest in actual discussion.

    Res ipsa loquitur.

  21. I still want to know where I can get that doll!

  22. For fuck's sake, John K.

    First, are you unaware that you can use "the Google" to look for images?

    Second, let's look at what Limbaugh said:

    ...let me see if I can run you through this and get you to think what I'm thinking without my actually saying it. That might be a pretty big talent if I could do that -- make you think what I'm going to say without my having to say it, therefore if anybody gets in trouble for saying it, you say it.

    Actually, this isn't a hard thing to do at all - it's called "alluding to," "implying," "innuendo."

    He defines Elizabeth Edwards as someone who "doesn't shut up," who is always "nagging" her husband. And then proceeds to elaborate on John Edwards' attraction to Reille Hunter as a "woman whose mouth did something other than talk."

    That's simply textbook sexist language - every man in the world knows precisely what Limbaugh means when he says that, as do women.

    The transcript finishes with Limbaugh saying, "'Open to new things.' Folks, it is what it is. You get mad at me for bringing the truth to you, but it is what it is." Think Limbaugh might be alluding to sex here, John K.? If not, what then?

    The entire conversation is about the affair between Hunter and Edwards.

    What do people do when they have an affair, John?

    So, what else was Limbaugh talking about then?

    The impetus is on you, John K., to provide an alternative meaning to Limbaugh's words. And try not to make some crack about not being able to read minds.

    Limbaugh himself begins the transcript by DIRECTLY STATING that he is going to attempt to convey the 'hub of his cyst, er, gist' without 'spelling it out.' He's telling you right there his intent is to imply without saying specifically.

    PS Is that Johnny Mac I see, er, read?

  23. John K: So where exactly did the words "BJ" or its associated reference appear again? And if it was googled, then what type of perv knows what type of website to get that photo from.  The feminists in this site want to talk to you.

  24. afraid to directly answer that last question put to you, huh john?

    and it is clear that either you have never used google images or you are just using your mouth for something other than talking!

    go play with your plastic soldiers in your parent's gameroom for awhile.

    if you haven't the decency to grasp the fact that rush insulted women in general and a woman with terminal cancer in particular.

    go away and think about it for a bit.

  25. 1) Go to Google
    2) Click on "Images" on upper left screen
    3) Type in search term. In this case, I typed in Rush's perfect companion -- a 'woman' who knows what her mouth is really for: "blow up doll"
    4) Hit "Search Images" button (not work safe)
    5) Go from page to page by clicking on page number or "Next" until you find an image you want to use.
    6) Click on the image you want to use and right-click to save it to your PC.

    Was that idiot-proof enough for you?

    (Now of course I suspect that even John K isn't so computer illiterate that he didn't already know how to do this, but I have the day off and I thought that I'd play along with the home version of the "I am as computer illiterate as John McCain" game.)

  26. Still no answer about where to get the damn doll!
