September 20, 2008

Another McCain Gaffe

This one involves the Armed Forces.

Isn't McCain's big-time can't-possibly-question-his-chops-on-this strength based on his military experience? Then how could he get this one wrong? From the Anchorage Daily News (by way of Editor and Publisher):
I also know, if I might remind you, that she is commander of the Alaska National Guard. In fact, you may know that on Sept. 11 a large contingent of the Alaska Guard deployed to Iraq and her son happened to be one of them. So I think she understands our national security challenges...
Of course in reality Palin's son is in the Army, not the National Guard. Does the formerly honorable John McCain understand how the armed forces are constituted? He seems to think that it was her command decision to send her son's unit to Iraq.

If you think this is no big deal imagine what would happen if, say, a presidential candidate from the Democratic Party were to make such a gaffe.


  1. John K: If Hussein Obama made the gaffe, nothing would happen. How do I know. Because nothing happened when Hussein Obama said there were 57 states. In fact, some left wingers in here tried to convince me that there were 57 states. LMAO So nothing would happen.

  2. Of course, I believe a part of the ALaska National Guard has deployed to Iraq. Palin visited them in *Kuwait* last year, and then walk a couple of hundred feet into Iraq, giving her valuable perspective on international relations. Maybe that's what John McCain was thinking of. Maybe he can't hold more than one thought in his head at a time any longer (sorry, that was a cheap shot).

  3. John K: Palin went to the Iraqi theater without being prodded by McCain. And while there she did not try to make a political deal with Al-Maliki to withdraw troops only after Hussein Obama became Prez so he could take credit for it.

  4. John K: Now the really funny part about this. Three weeks ago when this subject came up you left wing nut jobs called me a liar for pointing out that Palin had visited the Iraqi theater of war. You said she had never gone there. LMAO See how easy it is to make fools of you folks. LMAO I WIN AGAIN!

  5. We called you a liar for saying she'd gone to Iraq. She didn't and still hasn't. She's been to the border, but never crossed it.
