September 30, 2008

Banned Books Week

This should please Governor Palin.

This is Banned Books Week, my friends.

And so on Thursday, October 2 there'll be a reading from some of them at the public library in Oakland.  I hosted the event last year and it was illuminating to see what had been banned.

Did you know that one of the "Where's Waldo?" books had been banned?

The Carnegie Library has more details:
The Greater Pittsburgh Chapter of the ACLU-PA, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and WYEP 91.3 FM will present the 13th annual Banned Books Reading on Thursday, October 2, 2008, at 7:00 pm in the Carnegie Library Lecture Hall in Oakland. Pittsburgh is one of many cities that will celebrate the freedom to read with special events during Banned Books Week (BBW), September 28-October 4, 2008. BBW is observed each year to remind Americans not to take this precious democratic freedom for granted. The “Banned Books Reading” is designed to celebrate the First Amendment and educate citizens about the dangers of censorship. The event features local personalities reading from their favorite banned or challenged books; reading selections will include both modern and classic works.
 Here are some quotations from some previously banned books:

I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.


  1. John K: You mean like the bible. You going to read something from the bible? ACLU wants them all removed from libraries.

  2. Do you have a source for that claim, johnk?

    (The question: Are you a liar, or are you simply woefully misinformed?)

  3. No really, I just have to know.... if you went to this event last year, David, and if they were doing readings from banned books, and one of the "Where's Waldo" books had been banned... how, exactly, does one "read" out loud from a Where's Waldo book?

    "Guy in a pink shirt with a baseball cap, guy in a suit walking a dog, a juggler on a unicycle, some dude that looks like Joe Biden after a couple of 'shrooms, some Sarah Palin-looking woman in a pink jacket, and ... Hey! There he is! We found Waldo!"

    I'm just asking.

  4. John K: What about Limbaugh's book or Beck's recent book. You going to read from that? You lefties tried to get that banned from Borders and college libraries. Any chance of that happening?

  5. Again, source?

    Do all lefties agree with each other, and think alike? Do all conservatives?

  6. John K: How about the fairness doctrine? You going to read from the fairness doctrine. Not only is the left banning books, but they want to regulate free speech.

  7. not a book, but hey johnk, how about reading the constitution before the republican ban that!

  8. A list of the ten most challenged books in 2007 compiled by the American Library Association and the reasons that they were banned here
