September 19, 2008

Friday Musical Interlude

Corrido Style:

Reggaeton Style:

(Yes, this will drive the trolls crazy.)


  1. John K: So we have a guy who uses toilet sexist humour, a racist and a bigot at the Cabaret Theater talking about those subjects. Yah thay makes sense. Ask Norman why he didn't vote Swann. LMAO LOL LOL

  2. ...and John K changes the subject.


  3. John K: Did I miss something here or did Norman vote for Swann. LOL And does not Macintire not utilize Beavas and Butthead humour?

  4. John K: Is this the ad that took Limbaugh completely out of context? The ad that was lying to the point that CNN and MSNBC (Schuster) had to disavow it. Why should I give any credibility to any Hussein Obama ad? After all, the ACORN people make a living out of lying. Do you left wingers realize you support a habitual liar? Just asking.

  5. I bet that John K barely finished High School.

  6. John K: Hey run another one of those ads. The left has taken Limbaugh out of context and lied about it. Run another one, this is getting fun making the left eat their words.

  7. what? limbaugh took something out of context and ran with it??

    that NEVER happens!

  8. LOVE the music, am saddened by the lyrics....
