September 2, 2008

Live Streaming Webcast/Chat Tonight with Jon Delano

You watched the Lefties last Tuesday and Thursday, now the Right has their say on their convention.

Tonight's guests:

Braden Parker - Braden's Corner of the Net

Steve Maloney - Camp 2008 Victory

Some of you may remember that Braden used to frequently comment at 2pj.

Go to @7:00 PM to join in.


  1. gee finally got to see braden.

    i can die happy now. (much snark)

  2. Anyone see that McCain cancelled his interview on Larry King after Campbell Brown asked some tough questions on Palin?

    All I want to know is, if John McCain can't face Larry King, how's he going to face Osama bin Laden at the gates of hell?

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  5. Hope no one missed that?

    George W. Bush loves John McCain. He's is biggest fan.

    Can anyone say, "More of the same?"

  6. I saw Campbell Brown get real tough on Palin with someone from McCain's camp and he was just completely fluttered.

    I couldn't get the live video going of the streaming web cast.

  7. John K: Wouldn't mind seeing a journalist get tough with Hussein Obama. Chances of that, zero. LMAO But it is funny because Hussein Obama can't speak without a teleprompter.

  8. mccain can't speak WITH a teleprompter and our current prez can't speak and make sense!

  9. John K: No really Sherry, Hussein Obama can't speak without a teleprompter. Limbaugh does a great skit on that. But if your only response is to echo me, suggest you visit small town America and get in touch with reality.

  10. John K: I have a question for you left wing kooks. How would Hussein Obama even know what goes on Alaska or small town America? He never campaigned in Alaska and I am willing to bet has only whistle stopped thru small town America. Liberal elitists. LOL LOL LOL Too busy worrying about the amount of Latte in their starbucks rather than what small town America does. LOL

  11. John K: The liberal mantra, if it ain't in the inner city and depending on the govt for their needs, then it doesn't exist. LMAO Do I know you liberals or what?

  12. i come from a small town.lived there almost all my life.
    i was born and raised catholic.

    my late father and all his family were hunters and he taught me. i just didn't want to and so i didn't. i can also fish.

    limbaugh does skits, oh heavens! i'm impressed. so did lenny bruce and with much better and more truthfulness and intellect than limbaugh could hope for.

    limbaugh is nothing but a carney barker, a pitchman, albeit a good one.

    if that's how you get and form your opinions than you are a sad example of a voter.

  13. John K: Then Sherry has, by the liberal definition, defined herself as trailor park trash. At least it is when they refer to Palin. LOL LOL LOL LOL LMAO Open Door, have liberal bang nose into it. LMAO

  14. i never said she was trailer park trash. see john, that's the thing about democrats. we don't have just 1 brain that we have to share amongst us unlike republicans like you.

    poor john.


    go ahead john i dare you to watch it with an open mind.

  16. oh, he won't watch that.

    rush has already told him the real truth about mccain's pow experience. he doesn't need facts to cloud the propaganda.

  17. John K: No actually Sherry that is exactly what the Democrats have referred to Palin as. Check the tapes of Beck and Limbaugh. My point is if your life mirrors hers then what is your description. 2nd point, how does it feel when the words from the dailykos are applied to you?

  18. John K: Cathcatz still thinks she can read my mind. I have told you, I am not a huge McCain fan. He is not a conservative. Palin is. I agree with the Limbaugh criticism of McCain. But McCain is a smarter choice for this country than Hussein Obama.

  19. Palin made McCain's anti-pork list :

    "Three times in recent years, McCain's catalogs of "objectionable" spending have included earmarks for this small Alaska town, requested by its mayor at the time -- Sarah Palin."


    How funny is that? He nomintates her for her "reformer" credentials and not only does it turn out she supported the Bridge to Nowhere, but that she made McCain's list of wasteful earmarks!

    John McCain - He was AGAINST Sarah Palin before he was FOR Sarah Palin.

    McCain is a smarter choice?

    Looking at how he selected his VP and what we know now, John McCain is a dangerous.

    And I called it...wingers love Palin; they can't stand McCain. They've got their ticket backwards.

    It's never a good sign when you're VP gets more attention...

    No one at Daily Kos has referred to Palin as "trailer trash." And I've not heard that description from anyone.

    Stop lying, John.

    And STOP CRYING...honestly, for someone who has spread one unfounded rumor after another about Obama, you sure can't take what you dish out.

  20. John K: Palin, pro life feminist. Has done more in her life than any of the liberal feminists. You lefties sent Hillary back to her desk and the Republicans elevated Palin. The best part, seeing as how the info the left gets their info from the Daily Kos LOL LOL, it is all fabricated. Palin started out in the PTA and is now a Governor who, unlike Rendell, doesn't have to steal elections to retain power. Palin has an 80% in state approval and a 51% national approval. Read em and weep. LMAO LMAO

  21. I don't know for sure, but, I'm guessing that if Ed Rendell, or just about any governor, could hand out over $3000 a year to each citizen of his state, an 80% approval rating wouldn't be that hard to make.

    Kind of amusing that you think that Gov. Palin has acheived so much. Are you really sure that she has done more than, say, even Sophie Masloff? I mean, c'mon....Palin has two terms as a small-town mayor, and she's been governor long enough to produce one budget. But, she's done more "than any liberal feminist?"

    What a small view that you must have of women in politics, john. Not just "liberal" women, but all women.

  22. Palin has done more than Hillary?

    I don't think so, John.

    Hillary wasn't handpicked. She worked hard to compete in the Presidential election.

    Palin was selected; Hillary worked hard to get where she is.

    And Palin hasn't done ANYTHING that Geraldine Ferraro didn't do 25 years ago when she ran for VP.

    As for the information I specifically cited - it comes via the Chicago Tribune.

    Sorry, John - you winger lunatics can try to scapegoat DailyKos, but my guess is that people are going to grow very tired of the crying and whining coming from conservatives concerning scrutiny of Palin.

    P.S. Would you like some cheese to go with your whine, John?

  23. "Hussein Obama"

    That's cute.
