September 9, 2008

More On Palin's Bridge Support

From The Wall Street Journal (and we know this is true because the WSJ is such a liberal news source). This is the article's second sentence:
Despite significant evidence to the contrary, the McCain campaign continues to assert that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told the federal government "thanks but no thanks" to the now-famous bridge to an island in her home state. [emphasis added.]
A few paragraphs later:
She endorsed the multimillion dollar project during her gubernatorial race in 2006. And while she did take part in stopping the project after it became a national scandal, she did not return the federal money. She just allocated it elsewhere.
When the Wall Street Journal calls you a liar, you're a liar.


  1. John K: So what. Hussein Obama brought home 3 billion in pork. And Murtha is the king of defense pork. Looking forward, if you are really opposed to pork (which you are not so stop lying) then McCain is the man. He has the veto pen, not Palin.

  2. So what? SO SHE LIED, bunghole! I thought the evangelical, bible-thumping Right was supposed to tell the truth? Or is that only a political tactic?


  3. John K: Another left wing lie exposed. The evangalical, bible thumping right support Palin. LOL LOL As if any left wing kook even knows an evangalical to understand how they vote. LMAO

  4. Again, Obama only brought home something less than a billion in earmarks. Not necessarily something to be proud of, but not three billion. Who's lying now, John K.?
