September 12, 2008

No clue

From the interview last night:

GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Are we fighting a holy war?

PALIN: You know, I don't know if that was my exact quote.

GIBSON: Exact words.

PALIN: But the reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln's words when he said -- first, he suggested never presume to know what God's will is, and I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words.

But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that's a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God's side.

That's what that comment was all about, Charlie. And I do believe, though, that this war against extreme Islamic terrorists is the right thing.
Pssst, Sarah. You are saying you know God's will. You are saying the exact opposite of what Lincoln said.


  1. "Exact Quote"?
    Seems that Gidson left something out.
    "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That’s what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

  2. John K: This blog "no clue' would have some sort of credibility except the left, yah you know who you are, invoke God when it suits your purpose. From the House Floor, in a recorded speech, Jesus was a coommunity organizer and Pilate was a Governor.

  3. John K: Oh yah Donna Brazille on CNN said it also. Best part of this interview, no Olbermouth on MSNBC trying to tell us what she said and putting the lefty spin on it. LOL LOL LOL No wonder he was so pissed on Wednesday. LMAO And of course we have Moore and that fool from the SC telling us that it was God's revenge that New Orleans was going to be hit with a hurricane over the labor day weekend.

  4. Sarah Palin is slick, and I am sure that exchange will play with her constituency. Bill Kristol called the people who vote for her "Walmart moms". That is the group we need running the country. The Fed discount window will start offering $8.99 sweatshirts.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. ATTN JohnK.:
    I think you're just a leach with no friends, no family, and no job that's filling time with the only way you know how to get social interaction - desperately trying to annoy bloggers for any response that makes you feel like you matter.
    You're such a loser. LMAO
    Sucks to be you.
    Vote Obama!

  7. John K: What the left has completely failed to understand is that the more you tell us what Palin said, the more the conservatives say, yes she is the right person. The left has no understanding of who or what America is. The Heath Wal-Mart comment is proof. Left wing kooks think mentioning that we should pray for our military men will turn people away from her. It doesn't. The left wing kooks think mentioning that Palin has a daughter who is pregnant and not married would turn evangalicals away from her. It drove them towards her. The left thinks mentioning that Palin would cross borders in pursuit of Al Queda is a negative is false. It makes conservatives wonder why she isn't running for President. The point is that the left is so out of touch with America they actually think Palin is not mainstream. Because the Olbermouth/Dailykos crowd thinks they are America. They are 6% of America. I am 94% of America. So keep it up lefties. Don't stop on my or anyelse's account. Oh Yah! LMAO LMAO Laughing all the way to the White House.

  8. John K: As for Heath, keep that elitist attitude going dude. It makes my job so much more easier.

  9. JohnK., you have incredible knowledge of 'the left'.
    You should expand your audience. Maybe write a book, do some TV interviews, etc.
    You wrote: "As for Heath, keep that elitist attitude going dude. It makes my job so much more easier."
    Wow, I had no idea that asinine anti-blogging was your job.
    Further proof that dumb people can make money just like Bush.

  10. John K: To answer a question. There were no dinosaurs on the Earth 4,000 years ago. As asked by Matt Damon. That is because 4,000 years ago it was 2,000 BC. Egyptians ran the show in the mid east. Can the lefties actually do math? LOL LOL LOL

  11. See, what John K. calls elitism I would call professionalism. Or, failing that, humility about what one doesn't know.

    As far as I know (I haven't found a youtube of the whole thing), Palin never referenced Lincoln from the pulpit. If she did, then she was telling the truth to Charlie Gibson. If not, then she is lying.

    Governor Palin did not know what the Bush doctrine is, but she thought it would be better to cover that lack with a lot of doubletalk. She is lying.

    When Governor Palin says she told Congress "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge from nowhere, she is not being honest about her initial support for it.

    Then there is all the stuff in John K.’s favorite news source, the National Enquirer, about the Palin children’s drug use and her extramarital affairs.

    See, we’ve had eight years of an administration that lies to us. And we have never caught Osama Bin Laden and we instead invaded a country that posed no threat, but has more oil than any country besides Saudi Arabia. And we managed to botch the occupation.

    But here’s the real point. We are letting ourselves be distracted from the real issues. McCain wants to lower taxes for the rich. Obama wants to tax the rich and provide money to the middle class and poor. Everything else is just noise.

  12. John K: Memo to Ed Heath, we won in Iraq. Hussein Obama, "The surge in Iraq worked." Ed, start talking to wal mart customers, they seem to be smarter than you. At least they know that 2,000 CE minus 4,000 years equals 2,000 BCE. LMAO LMAO

  13. Drew Westen had a good review of Palin's performance on Politico. Among the things he said, we would stop seeing a doctor who doesn't know what meningitis is. We would stop using a mechanic who doesn't know what a carburetor is. We wouldn’t use a lawyer who doesn’t know what habeas corpus is. When a candidate for the number two position in government is interviewed on our behalf, we have every right to expect them to be knowledgeable enough to have an understanding of the broad topics of foreign policy and national security. We expect our doctors to know about health, not prayer. We expect our mechanics to know about cars, not prayer. I dare say Obama knows what the Bush doctrine is.

    A lot of experts (on Politico, and elsewhere) say Palin did fine in the interview by not making a (major) mistake. So our standards for Vice-President have been reduced to janitor level abilities.

  14. Also, McCain wants to open Alaska to oil drilling to bring down the cost of Middle Eastern crude.

    This is extremely misleading because the US only gets 3% of crude from the Middle East. The bulk of US oil comes from the Gulf & Canada.
    Anyone ever notice that the price of crude is now 31% off its record high of $147/barrel, but the price of gas in the the US only dropped 10%????


    And for those of you that believe that Europe is paying $7-8/ gallon (equivelent) is misunderstanding that it's huge gas taxes that they are paying.

    Off topic:
    -anyone think T. Boone Pickens is doing good with green energy should watch this:

  15. "John K: Memo to Ed Heath, we won in Iraq. " So we've already left Iraq?

  16. If I said 4,000 years with regard to dinosaurs somewhere (I don't remeber where) then I screwed up. I'm not a dinosaur scientist. My bad.

  17. She's a f**in moron. Period. All the rest is blather.


  18. John K: Since Hussein Obama said he wants to make govt cool anyone want to go with me tomorrow and hang out with some cool govt employees? We can like wear name tags and all and say, "Hey baby, we're govt employees, we're cool" LOL LOL LOL Make Govt cool. Even I could not have come up with that line.

  19. John K: Memo to Ed Heath, We won in Germany in 1945, so we've already brought the troops home? We won in Korea in 1953, so we've already brought the troops home? See how easy it is to make fools of liberals. Its efforless.

  20. John K: Memo to Clyde, you trying to get a guest spot on the Olbermouth show? I see you have mastered all the words you learned while in school. Good job. LOL LOL LMAO

  21. JohnK. do you have some sort of mental disability?

  22. So there's a Warsaw Iraq Pact we are defending the Federal Republic of Iraq from? Or a People's Republic of Iraq (North Iraq) to defend the Republic of Iraq (South Iraq) from? The troops stayed in Germany to deter to Soviet Union (now they have less of a function), the troops stay in Korea to deter North Korea (we didn't win there, by the way, we fought to a draw). We won a war against the Iraqi military in a matter of weeks, but we have not won the occupation. The surge has reduced violence, but the political situation is volatile at best, and if we leave it seems likely the Sunnis and Shi’a will go after each other. We are not staying in Iraq to balance some external threat, we are staying to hold the country together. Which is ironic, because even if some of them did feel some sense of good will towards us, we have squandered that by spitting on their religion and being the cause of the death of thousands of their civilians. Bush hasn’t even got the smarts to set up a sweetheart oil deal with them.

    John K., you've got all the understanding of world history and foreign affairs of a Sarah Palin.

  23. John K: Heath: Actually we are defending Iraq. We serve in Iraq as long as the Iraq govt wants us there. And yes, similar to other countries, we have a SOFA agreement. Even Olbermouth knows this. If Heath represents the foreign policy smarts of Hussein Obama then he may as well as just phone it in. LOL

  24. John K: If you left wing kooks haven't figured it out yet, and you may not have, look at a map and see what country we have surrounded. And then analyze Bush's speeched to see what country Bush has declared on the triumvirate of terrorism. Notice the success in stopping cold one of those countries while you are at it. Then ask yourself, do you know the Bush doctrine and how it applies to Iraq? The liberal doctrine is impeach and indict anyone who disagrees with you. LMAO LMAO A lefty looking at a map is as likely as Obama winning the White House without voter fraud.

  25. So we invaded Iraq to contain Iran? We are spending billions of dollars and lost over 4000 soldiers to contain Iran? So the WMD's were bullshit, stopping al Qaeda was bullshit (remember, they weren't there until we went it), promoting democracy was bullshit, it's containing Iran that we are trying to accomplish. Never mind that Iran has no strategic reach past their own neighborhood. Never mind that as we invade their neighbors, we push the Iranian people into accepting everything their radical leaders want. Bush creates enemies in his head, then invades them or their neighbors and turns them into real enemies.

    And according to the short research I did, we do not have a SOFA with Iraq (another John K lie). But Bush wants to bypass Congressional approval when he gets the Iraqis to sign on the dotted line. Because Bush does not care about this country, he just wants to rip up the constitution.
