September 30, 2008

SNL goes too far!

While the opening skit was funny this Saturday, I thought SNL went too far later in the show when they did another Palin/Couric interview send-up that included John McCain. It seemed to suggest that Palin was incapable of being trusted to answer questions without help. Sexist!

Here's that skit:



  1. Is it still sexist if she really can't be trusted to answer questions on her own? How is her obvious inability to do much of anything right a reflection on all women?

  2. Sorry, if I wasn't being clear, but my entire post was parody including putting a video of the real interview up and claiming it was a SNL skit and including saying it was "sexist" for the McCain campaign to try to hide or help her when she is obviously not up to the job because she is not up to the job (not because she's a woman, but because she's who she is).

    Hope that helps!

  3. Let me also say that there has been a ton of real sexism thrown her way, which is a double shame because there is soooo freakin' much to legitimately go after her on.

  4. For example, I'm betting there's some video of her somewhere speaking in tongues/handling snakes.


  5. *snerk*

    My bad. I can't watch video at work, and the low-resolution YouTube still picture makes the difference between Tina Fey and Palin even more difficult to discern.

    And of course, you are correct in your second comment. Guess I'm just a little touchy today...or always. :p

  6. Is it Gloria Borger at CNN? Anyway, she has a commentary on that covers just this issue: Why was McCain there? It's like she had a bad time at school, and had to take her Dad in with her the next time.

    Borger (I hope I have that right) made a good comment about Palin's prep for Thursday, to the effect that, no matter how intense her preperation, it's like cramming for the final of a class that you never went to.

  7. If there's any inherent sexism in all of this, I suspect it is that the McCain Camp thought that it would be possible to get away with nominating a completely incompetent person if that person was a young (for VP pick) attractive woman and that they wouldn't been as sure of their pick if it had been a completely incompetent man.

  8. Before the Palin pick, the Republicans (in and out of McCain's campaign) were saying this race was not about issues, it is about biography and personality. Not that anyone knew Palin would be picked, but I think that a lot of voters were charmed by the "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" real person-ness of Sarah Palin (though I still can not believe the pregnant daughter has not turned off more voters). But now that John McCain is scrambling to give Katie Couric interviews and do interviews with Mrs. Palin, apparently to perform some damage control.

    Over on the Burgh Report, they are repeating a Politico story that the next (last?) interview with Sarah Palin she is stumped to name any Supreme Court cases besides Roe V Wade. I would be too, but I am not running for anything.

    Sarah Palin had rarely been interviewed on the national level before being picked as John McCain's running mate. So they want to know what is interesting (ie, what will get them viewers) about her. I think questions about how she will raise children and be Vice-President are unfair. On the other hand, given that conservatives tend to ask where the parents are when a teenager gets pregnant, I think that question is fair.

  9. Brown v. Board of Education. Or Miranda v. Arizona.

    Do I get a cookie? It's sad that I've forgotten the names of more SCOTUS cases that I learned while in the standard college poli sci class than she apparently ever knew in the first place.

  10. i want to know why she's been to so many colleges?

    was she flunked out or??

    as far as sexism goes, it's all on the republican side with this pick.

  11. Sherry,

    Sorry to say that I've heard sexist crap from many sources. A recent example would be Bill Maher on his "Real Time" HBO show. He recently did an opening skit making fun of how Palin's kid's would be interrupting her in office and accidentally pushing "The Button," etc. Cause you know if you're a MOM you can't really do your job!

    Funny! Not.

    I also know that Maher is old enough to remember this iconic picture when it originally came out.

  12. John K: SNL opened with a skit that inferred Palin's husband was committing incest. Gee, can we guess where SNL stands on this issue. It also shows just far into the gutter the left has sunk.

  13. JK,

    I know that you know that SNL was ripping the NYT (and other media)in that skit by portraying the Times reporter as an asshole who was trying to push a sensational and false tabloid-style incest story.

    I also know that this has been pointed out to you on this very blog before.

  14. John K: And thankgoodness for me pointing it out too.

  15. You almost got me. I almost started yelling at you before I watched the clip. Good one.

  16. Palin and McCain are a joke! Good thing McCainw as there to hold her hand through the interview.

  17. Bob Dole's '96 Run looks dignified in comparison to this trainwreck McCain calls a campaign.

  18. John K: Glad someone brought up Dole. Dole resigned from the Senate to pursue his run for the Presidency. Hussein Obama has not. In fact, all Obama has done as Senator is run for the Presidency. Hussein Obama must think his govt check for Senate service is nothing more than a welfare check to which he is entitled.

  19. And? McCain hasn't resigned, either. I guess his check is Social Security, then, right?

    And, btw, before you mention the dubious campaign suspension, realize that Obama went to the White House meeting, too, without feeling the need to say "look at me" for doing so. That will probably hurt him with the voters that don't pay enough attention, but it looks good for him otherwise.

  20. and mccain FAILED to get the votes for the "rescue plan" even after all of his grandstanding and insertion in to the process of the HOUSE!

  21. It wasn't sexist at all! She can't answer a question without notes, and even when she refers to them, she sounds like an idiot! And for the record, I am a woman who for the most part is insulted that McCain thought he could "get" women's votes simply because he has a female running mate! WE AREN'T THAT STUPID, MR. McCAIN! If he were hell bent on a female running partner, he could have chosen someon far more qualified and far more intelligent...but then again, someone like that might outshine him, and I doubt he'd want that.
