September 3, 2008

Speaking of words and thinking...

From PostPartisan:

There was a flutter of attention when McCain campaign manager Rick Davis told a group of Post reporters and editors yesterday that his team was having to rework the vice presidential acceptance speech because the original draft, prepared before Gov. Sarah Palin was chosen, was too "masculine." While we all wondered to ourselves what might make a speech masculine or feminine, no one batted an eye at the underlying revelation: that the campaign was writing the nominee's speech before knowing who the nominee would be.


So when you watch Sarah Palin tonight, expect to learn something about how well she handles a Teleprompter.
How mavericky!

(Yeah, yeah, I know they all have speechwriters, but as the article points out usually you at least know who you're writing the speech for so you can at least put in some of their flavor, or [gasp] maybe even some of their thoughts...)


    New Talking Point:
    If Sarah Palin does a good speech, it is because it was written by KARL ROVE and the preserved brain of Leni Riefenstahl and presented on a Teleprompter.
    Of course no speech can surpass Obama's great and accurate bitter and clingy speech that he did not need a Teleprompter for.
    We live for the One. We die for the One.

  2. Joe Lieberman on John McCain: "God made only ONE John McCain."

    I'm sorry, Heir, but who has the Messiah complex again?

    Palin will give a good speech. She's not unfamiliar to television appearances, having served as a sportscaster in Alaska.

    As for the substance of that speech...well, the fact that a draft was written before she was even selected(ie the VP will say what he's told to say) by a Bush speechwriter is just further evidence that Palin is just more of the same.

    She belongs to the same corrupt Republican party as McCain. She supports the same failed Bush policies that McCain supported more than 90% of the time.

    It's funny - a few years ago McCain was calling out the wasteful earmarks requested by the mayor of Wasilla, AK - Sarah Palin.

    But with McCain/Palin, it's just rhetoric, with nothing to back it up.

    McCain rails against earmarks, but selects a person who as governor requested $198 million in earmarks for next year. And requested more than $300 million in earmarks last year.

    McCain rails against corruption, but he's selected a person for VP who ran Ted Stevens 527, who supported the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, who is currently under an ethical investigation and, true to a Bush Republican, is now stonewalling that investigation by the Alaska legislature.

    McCain rails against raising taxes and increasing spending, but selects a candidate for VP who did just that as mayor of Wasilla - and still left the town unable to fund it's pension plan. The people of Wasilla are still paying for Palin's mistakes.

    McCain rails against the special interests, yet he selects a candidate for VP who has connections to Jack Abramoff, who was endorsed by the indicted Ted Stevens and whose rise to power is due to her lobbying for TransCanada corporation and pushing their plan for a pipeline.

    The Palin pick says one thing about John McCain, loud and clear: just another Bush Republican.

  3. No Jaywillie, the only thing loud and clear is that you absolutely hate anyting Republican.

  4. Gewurztraminer, apparently you a republican troll who cannot come up with facts so you accuse liberals of hating - just like your party? Is there hate in the GOP's heart?
    Sarah Palin is against birth control, sex education, and thinks rape victims should be forced to carry the rapist's baby.
    Sick, sick, sick!
    Palin and the fundies who picked her are a danger to every woman in America.

  5. oh yes. love them unborn but line item vetoed help for them afterwards. that's palin!

  6. It's a shame my dear Grace that your posts do not represent your name.

    I am in no way interested in trolling. The angry assumptions that you and Jaywillie make do nothing but create more division and obliterate inclusion. It comes across as shrill and incorrect. I think that we all want what is best for our family, community, county, and country. Just because we differ in ways to execute those wishes should not be a license to hurl insults. If you really believe that my ideas are evil then you have lost yourself in the political propaganda maelstrom.

    Step back and realize that no one wants to FORCE you to bear children if you find yourself pregnant. The same way that no one will FORCE you to seek an abortion. You really have a choice but also there are consequences for a poor choice.

    I think having a passionate relationship with your beliefs should be buffered with understanding alternate perspectives.

    Where's the love?

  7. Actually Gewurtz, some people do want to force women to carry a child to term, should she find herself pregnant. Absolutely granted that at that point a woman can give the child up for adoption. But those that would have Roe V. Wade overturned want to outlaw abortions.

    And by the way, Palin and McCain are apparently on record backing abstinence only education, at least at one time.
