September 2, 2008

Todd Palin Member of Secessionist Party from '95 - '02

From Talking Points Memo:

Todd Palin, husband of Sarah, was a member of the secessionist Alaska Independence Party from 1995 through 2002. That's the information we just got from the Alaska Division of elections.

Probably not coincidentally, 2002 was the first time Sarah Palin ran for statewide office in Alaska.
Can you even imagine the fallout if Michelle Obama had belonged to a secessionist party?

Heads would have literally exploded on the Right:


  1. Yes, they would have. People would have been all over this.

  2. John K: Palin's husband was a union member during that time also. Hmmmm that is interesting. Palin's husband is still a member of the union. But, either way, we aren't voting for Palin's husband so the point seems moot. Now Hussein Obama was and still is an associate of the radical lefty Ayers. And Ayers wants to bomb govt buildings. Gee so does Bin laden. Coincidence, I think not.

  3. What's so wrong with secession? States voluntarily entered the union, and they ought to have the right to voluntarily leave it. The Constitution is a contract between many signers, and I am aware of no clause that punishes the dissolution on the part of any signer.
