September 2, 2008

Without comment:



  1. For some reason when I look at that photo, this song plays in my head.

  2. yeah, but they are going to spin it so that she looks like a cross between the virgin mary and john wayne with a pinch of mother teresa for good measure.

    and the republicans will all fall in line cause," ya gotta dance with the one that brung ya"

    it is astounding that given all that has happened in the last 8 years that anyone would take a chance on the republican party again.

    being a republican is not like belonging to a religion is it??

    i don't think you go to hell or wherever if you use your brain and try a different set of ideals.

  3. How long before the wingers talk about how Palin raised taxes in Wasillia, increased spending by 33% and still left the city unable to fund its pension plan?

    I'm not holding my breath.

  4. The General Store entrance is on the far side.

  5. The window on the left is a drive-up Wendys/Taco Bell.

  6. Maria,


    Well done.

  7. maria... i was just thinking that the building looked AWFULLY familiar!

    too funny!

  8. John K: You folks got any pictures of the City Hall where Hussein Obama was Mayor?

  9. John K: Now this is interesting. Small town America is America. But in this blog we have a collection of liberal elitists who think small America is made of hicks who can't read, write or do math. I got to say, when Limbaugh says he knows the left like the back of his hand, he is right. You elistist are out of touch as is Hussein Obama.

  10. only the republicans would be arrogant and elitest enough to use that term against a man raised middle class.

    parroting much, huh john?

    rabid republicans like john, who think this is a game where you choose a side and try to win at all costs, even if they picked the wrong side, would be better off and so would our country ,if they just stuck to playing video games or fantasy role paying stuff.

  11. John K: For the record, and this time pay attention and write it down, I am a conservative not a Republican. I support conservative principles found in Sen. Casey and sometimes Altmire. Sheeesh you left wing loons.

  12. John K: Also for the record, Hussein Obama is not middle class. He went to Punahoe High School, a private school. He paid to attend school. Hey, I am willing to bet that not one liberal in here has been to a small town in America and that all they about small town America is from pictures. LMAO LMAO I bet Obama hasn't been to small town America and I know he did not campaign in Alaska.

  13. I live in small town America, John. Lawrence County. I won't tell you where, but it's not New Castle, so it can't even be designated a city.

    Politics in small town America is among the most ridiculous time-wasting ventures you'll ever see. Among your biggest problems is whether to have a full-time policeman or not.

    And no, people in places like this aren't big at all on reading, writing, or doing math. Or thinking.

    I wish I were kidding.

  14. John K: Yah too bad Palin is now Gov of Alaska. And speaking of small towns. Hawaii is all about a small town atmosphere. Oahu citizens take pride in that fact. But Palin is now a Gov with an 80% approval rating.

  15. You know, John K, you talk as if people who live in cities are not real Americans. You accuse the bloggers who run this site and the people who comment here of being prejudiced, and then you make your own wild accusations about how Obama was privileged from day one (he had loans and scholarships, and got into the best schools based on his grades and intelligence). You say that voters who are registered in registration drives do not vote (your exact words: "Registered voters don't vote.") unless there is government cheese available. You say that you bet none of the liberals here have even been to a small town. And then you want to laugh triumphantly about something.

    And as always, you deflect away from any issues raised. Real median wages ave gone down over the last seven years, but the rich have gotten a lot richer. Should we talk about that?

    No one says Obama is perfect (or at least no one should say that), in fact there are strong indications he is promising too much and he admits he won't be able to pay for it all. And a President McCain wouldn't be able to implement his plans because of a hostile Congress. Which is good, because Mccain says he wants to finish the job Bush started (in so many words), giving the rich more tax cuts, killing employer provided health care by eliminating the tax benefit, privatizing Social Security and increasing the deficit/debt (even more than Obama’s grandiose plans would).

    If you are trying to persuade us that conservatives are on the right side of history, logic or economics, you have and are failing miserably. Instead you are providing an example of why liberals should not listen to conservatives. You are in fact driving a wedge between well meaning conservatives who believe that the free market should be protected where possible to maximize the income of the aggregate and well meaning liberals who want to increase regulation of markets they believe are not free. You are stifling discussion of the issues. Not that I am perfect myself and maybe I couldn’t even hang in a technical debate.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but I have met too many intelligent conservatives who are interested in a real debate.

  16. Ed, I'm sorry, but your link is to the NYT and is therefore not admissible in any "debate" with a conservative. You have to go to WorldNetDaily or nowhere.

  17. Hussein JohnK. wrote: "Blah blah blah blah blah liberal blah blah blah elitist blah. Blah left right blah blah Limbaugh...touch...Hussein. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
    I am a conservative...I support conservative principles.
    Is Hussein JohnK. old enough to vote?
    Is Hussein JohnK. a registered voter?
    Is Hussein JohnK. registered as a republican?
    Is Hussein JohnK. really President George W. Bush?
