October 20, 2008

EVENTS! Ayanna Lee / Barack Obama Fundraisers

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Meet & Greet with Ayanna Lee
HOSTS: Georgia Berner, Miranda Berner, Abby Wilson, Natalia Rudiak, Chelsa Wagner, Matt Merriman-Preston, Lindsay Patross
WHERE: Palate Bistro, 212 Sixth Street, Across from Heinz Hall, http://www.palatebistro.com
WHEN: Wednesday October 22, 2008, 5:00-6:30 PM

Join Chelsa Wagner, Georgia Berner and others! Ayanna is running for State Representative in the 44th District. I've had the pleasure of meeting Ayanna at a Women for Obama meeting and she'll make a great rep!

RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=58171750224

There is no ticket price for the event, but please bring your checkbook.



Generation Obama Party/Fundraiser
HOSTS: Clayton Wukich
WHERE: Olive or Twist, 140 6th St, Pittsburgh, PA 15201 US
WHEN: Wednesday, October 22, 6:00 PM

Please join Chris Heinz, Franco Harris, and Mike Doyle for an exciting Obama/Biden event. In addition to our special guests, please expect a terrific crowd and a great networking opportunity.

The suggested contribution is $50 [Checks to Committee for Change (DNC)].

RSVP: Clayton Wukich 412/260-9898 or wukich@gmail.com or for any questions.

1 comment:

  1. Maria - Thanks for posting about the Ayanna Lee event.
    Anyone who would like to contirubte can visit this page http://www.actblue.com/page/meetayanna

    or you can RSVP on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=58171750224
