October 13, 2008

McCain Campaign on Life-Support

So says William Kristol.

It’s time for John McCain to fire his campaign.
Wow - is it that bad? I guess so if William The Bloody says so. He continues:
He has nothing to lose. His campaign is totally overmatched by Obama’s. The Obama team is well organized, flush with resources, and the candidate and the campaign are in sync. The McCain campaign, once merely problematic, is now close to being out-and-out dysfunctional. Its combination of strategic incoherence and operational incompetence has become toxic. If the race continues over the next three weeks to be a conventional one, McCain is doomed.


  1. John K: Then that explains why Hussein Obama has only a 4% lead in likely voters. (Gallup) Of course if you do what left wing kooks do and only count registered voters like Jive Turkey then your statement would be true. LMAO

  2. John K: Well your post clearly explains why the Reform Party endorsed McCain over the weekend.

  3. Big whoop. This is the prelude to:

    "As of this morning, I am suspending my campaign for President in order to deal with the crisis in political discourse. While my opponent, pee-pants over there, is continuing his divisive campaign tactics, I am now being totally civil like the awesome maverick that I am."

  4. John K: Rasumssen has then 4% point apart. Guess that means Hussein Obama according to Dayvoe.

  5. Huh, today's Rasmussen has Obama at 50% and McCain at 45%, not to get all nit-picky. And that is of likely voters. Of course, I guess this all meaningless as McCain's got ol' Barry right where he wants him.

  6. JK

    Your wrong (again). Gallup has LIKELY VOTERS this way:

    Among typical "likely voters" -- the subset of registered voters who appear most likely to vote on Election Day according to their current voting intentions and past voting behavior -- Obama's lead is a slightly narrower seven points, 51% to 44%. This assumes that about 60% of the voting age population will vote, slightly higher than the 55% who turned out in 2004.

    See those numbers? See them? I betcha wanna IGNORE THEM, huh? Looks to me like Obama is IN THE MAJORITY ACCORDING TO THE POLL YOU (mis)QUOTED.

    Care to tell us WHY you omitted that part?


  7. John K: Do you left wing kooks understand the difference between a registered voter like Jive Turkey and a likely voter like me. Remember both me and Jive Turkey tell pollsters we are voting for Hussein Obama. LOL LOL Likely voters has them 4% apart. You should be up by 20 but nope only 4%.

  8. johnk,

    Do you understand the difference between turning in a registration form for "jive turkey," and "jive turkey" actually being registered to vote?

  9. John K: Not only do I understand it Kimber but so does Mickey Mouse, who registered in Florida with acorn. So Kimber how many names and addresses did you use?

  10. John K: Jive Turkey tells the pollsters he supports Hussein Obama. So with all those fake registered voters and Hussein Obama is only up by 4%. You're going to have to do better than that.

  11. Umm, how did "Jive Turkey" get into the sample that the pollster took, johnk? What method would, say, Zogby use, or Gallup use, that would lead to "Jive Turkey" being included in their samples?

  12. John K: Is Kimber really this stupid? She cannot be an actual representation of the thinking of the left? Because if she is, its over for all of us.

  13. johnk,

    Your theory seems to be that the polling data that shows Obama ahead is mistaken, because "Remember both me and Jive Turkey tell pollsters we are voting for Hussein Obama."

    "Jive Turkey" would be a name on a fraudulent voter registration form.

    So, tell me: How would that name on a voter registration form become part of a sample taken by Zogby, or Gallup, or Rasmussen?

    I think it's pretty clear that they couldn't be.

    Support your argument. Tell me how JT, or even you, would be polled. (How is one selected by the pollster?)
