October 14, 2008

More On McCain's Fundraising Troubles

From The Wall Street Journal:
Sen. John McCain badly needs the cash infusion and momentum from a Tuesday night fund-raiser in New York. But the senator's recent demonizing of Wall Street made it tough to lure contributors, with Wall Street and corporate executives balancing their aggravation with the Republican presidential hopeful against their rising unease about his Democratic opponent.
Uh, I don't want to tell a journalist from the Wall Street Journal how to write, but I think the word is "irritation" not "aggravation." From The Elements of Style:
The first means "to add to" an already troublesome or vexing matter or condition. The second means "to vex" or "to annoy" or "to chafe."
I could be wrong - I had no idea the Strunk/White book was an aging zombie.

But I digress. Let's continue:
The McCain campaign hopes to raise $7 million at the event at a midtown Manhattan hotel. For $25,000, guests get a sit-down dinner and a photo with the Arizona lawmaker and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Guests who pay $1,000 can attend a reception.

And though a flurry of pledges in recent days reached the event's fund-raising goal, organizers in recent weeks had struggled to fill the ballroom.

Anyone else still think the GOP isn't the party of big business??


  1. John K: Gee Dayvoe don't be such a hypocrite. It really shows. Try hiding it more. Remember it was Hussein Obama and the DNC that had the press arrested in Denver for filming big corporate donors and fat cats attending a Hussein Obama fund raiser in Denver. LOL LOL You didn't think we would forget? LMAO

  2. I'm confused. I thought the Reform Party's endorsement was gonna open the floodgates for McCain?! What gives?

  3. John K: Now why would you think they aren't shawn? Political campaigns always need money. Even Hussein Obama has not stopped raising money. Shawn, just stop being stupid even if you have to work on it.

  4. I see you are honoring John McCain request of his supporters to be more respectful, John K.

  5. John K: Pisses you off eh Ed Heath? Can't stand someone challenging your views eh? You prefer the conservatives who talk like liberals. LOL LOL Ed Heath is was the DNC and Hussein Obama who had the press arrested and their film confiscated in Denver for filming a corporate fund raiser. That is a fact Homer. LOL

  6. Just establishing what your concept of honor is (not to mention hypocrisy).

  7. He he he he! Throw a little snark someone's way and suddenly they get thin-skinned! Bad year to be a wingnut, I suppose. :P

  8. It's a terrible year to be a wingnut.

    The desperation is just dripping from John K.'s responses.

    What? Can't get any of your smears and lies to stick?

    (and by you in the following statements, I mean you and the rightwing in general)

    You've tried using his middle name.

    You've tried his birth certificate.

    You've tried calling him a celebrity.

    You've tried calling him an empty suit.

    You've tried Rev. Wright.

    You've tried Tony Rezko.

    You've tried Bill Ayers.

    You've tried saying Obama is a Muslim.

    You've tried saying Obama is "The One."

    You've tried insinuating Obama is a terrorist.

    You've tried to insinuate that Obama "pals around" with terrorists.

    You've tried ACORN.

    You've tried calling him a Socialist.

    You've tried the flag pin.

    You've tried the "He won't say the pledge" gambit.

    You've tried to accuse him of playing the race card.

    I'm sure there's more that the pathetic denizens of the Right will dig out from the mud, but guess what, my friend?

    It's. Just. Not. Working.

    That's gotta drive a winger like you, John K., up the wall.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
