October 1, 2008

Planned Parenthood Ad Rips McCain and Palin for Rape-Kit Policies

From TPM:
"Under Mayor Sarah Palin, women like Gretchen were forced to pay up to $1,200 for the emergency exams used to prosecute their attackers," the announcer says, after a heartbreaking testimonial from a woman talking about her own experience of being raped. "In the Senate, John McCain voted against legislation to protect women from these same heartless policies."

The ad will run in Missouri, Wisconsin, and the Northern Virginia media market.


  1. John K: Try again, you connected an apple to an orange. Doesn't fit. But don't stop on my account. Watching you folks lie is fun.

  2. John K: So Gwen Ifill, moderator for the VP debate on Thursday, is set to release a pro Obama book on Jan 20, 2009. No bias there eh?

  3. I suspect you are about to encounter the confluence of your worst fears, John.

    The godless/UN/trial lawyer/ACLU/Muslin/useful idiot/Communist/Kennedy/MSM/socialist/PETA/environmentalist/Soros/NAACP/poor/elite alliance is about to take advantage of decades of plotting, propaganda, educational system infiltration and media manipulation, and from that foundation will take advantage of a hapless electorate to gain control of the United States of America on Election Day. The consequence: We will have a Muslim-communist-black power radical president. We will have a socialist, godless, extremist Congress. We will abandon reliance on our military and instead pursue diplomacy even with evildoers such as Chavez and Castro and the Iranians -- sometimes through the United Nations. We will conclude our open-ended misadventure in Iraq. We will reinstate the inheritance tax. We will stop treating gays like rabid dogs. We will stop basing government science policy on religious dogma. We will resume regulation of industries whose activities impose risk and cost on the public.

    And then, John, with all of those fears realized, it will get even worse for you . . . because not only will the sky not cave in under those circumstances, but to the contrary our nation will improve, and you will be forced to confront a situation in which everything you have believed will be shown to have been mistaken.

    Fortunately for you, I suspect you will lack the introspection to apprehend any of this, because if you figured it out the cognitive dissonance might be severe enough to send your entire cardiovascular-respiratory system into vapor lock.

  4. Did the nutroots find any proof of charging rape victims for rape kits yet?
    Has a bill or a rape victim appeared to collaborate this?
    Maybe Mccain can have his lawyers send letters threatening the licenses of the stations who run these ads.
    Like Obama did with stations who ran the NRA's ads.

  5. "...recently released budget documents show that Sarah Palin directly shifted the cost of the rape kits from the police department to the victims in her budget for fiscal year 2000. If what a former city council member told CNN is true, that "Palin would review each department's budget line by line," then she either knew about the funding shift and approved it or was negligent in her role as state executive."

    More here.

  6. That's actually a reasonable point, Heir. A quick google search reveals no reported rapes at all in Wasilla before 2000, when I believe a State law made towns pay for rape kits. Maybe women were scared off of reporting rape. there was something about 12 sexual assaults, but I could not find an official citation. FWIW.

    Gwenn Ifill, on the other hand, is a very respected journalist, widely known to be fair. So of course Limbaugh wants her off the podium.

  7. So it is in the Budget but were any woman billed?
    The Finance Department searched all financial records on our system for fiscal year 2000, 2001 and 2002. There are no records of billings to or collections from rape victims or their insurance companies in our system. The financial computer system goes back to the beginning of fiscal year 2000, and accounts receivable backup documentation goes back six (6) years per our records retention schedule.

    A review of files and case reports within the Wasilla Police Department has found no record of sexual assault victims being billed for forensic exams. State law AS 18.68.040, which was effective August 12, 2000, would have prohibited any such billings after that date.

    As for Gwenn Ifill being very respected journalist.
    That is same in my book as being a very respected prostitute (Ashley Alexandra Dupré) or porn star (Jenna Jameson).
    I remember back in 2000 on the TV show Washington Week in Review, she gushing over Al Gore and how he has the Presidency locked up.
    I guess you can also overlook that she is writing a pro-Obama book.

  8. So . . . if someone advocates something, but it doesn't happen for reasons beyond the advocate's control, there is no problem?

    That surely put the Rev. Wright controversy to rest. He said "God damn America," but God has not damned America.

    In fact, there probably is no God, so America is especially safe from damnation.

    So your logical consistency, Heir, must place you firmly on the side of those who believe the Rev. Wright slam constitutes a pointless cheap shot.


  9. You know, having studied economics in college I used to be something of a fiscal conservative (and I didn't care much about social issues). One of the reasons I don't want to be associated with conservatives: We're talking about a black, woman journalist and you compare her to a whore? And you wonder why Maria feels there has been a lot of sexism in this campaign?

  10. We're talking about a black, woman journalist and you compare her to a whore?
    I would say the same of the following white male "journalists".
    Keith Olbermann
    David Gregory
    Chris Matthews
    Bill O'reilly
    Duff Wilson
    Eric Lichtblau
    Bill Moyers
    Andrew Sullivan
    James Walcott

  11. Called on it, and suddenly rush to make sure you insult some white males. As you say, BS.

    Fact remains, conservatives are falling all over themselves to quickly discredit Gwen Ifill, to force her to step aside, so that somebody with less credibility (and lesss prepared) would be forced to take her place, and Palin can claim sexism (if it is a male) and media bias and try to bully him.
