October 2, 2008

Want to be on CNN tonight?

CNN is doing a live feed the entire evening from the VP Debate Watch Party in Pittsburgh! Help pack the venue. If you can't make it - tell your friends!

VP Debate Watch Party Hosted by Western PA Women for Obama
Where: Schenley Ice Rink Meeting Room (1 Overlook Drive in Pittsburgh)
When: Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008, at 8 p.m.

For more details, and to RSVP on BarackObama.com, click here:


  1. I'll pass. Something tells me I wouldn't want to be in the same room as a bunch of "Women for Obama"... eeeeeeewww... or, is that "sooooooiieeeee"... One could only imagine... Maybe my Dentist is available for an emergency root canal appointment tonight.

  2. yeah, real classy. i heard a load of that last night from some people i didn't think would say things out loud that i pretty much knew they were thinking.
