November 4, 2008

Hey, When You're Through Reading The Blog

Get your damn butt outta that damn chair and GO CAST YOUR VOTE!

I am David DeAngelo and I approved this message.


  1. John K: Yah, and Kimber make sure you get Jive Turkey and Lola Palooza to as many polling places as you can. Use some of the names on the acorn list. LOL

  2. i will be voting shortly. my mom called this morning. she will be 90 next month and she was 2nd in line to vote. she beat me!!!

    1 for obama!

  3. John K: Only 1 vote for Hussein? Come on here. Get your car gassed up and get those acorn registered people out to vote. Heck Sherry, go to a few other polling places and just intimidate the workers and vote a few more time.

  4. oh, what wit! what comedic talent!

    what a PARROT for limbaugh.

    polly wanna cracker???

  5. johnk,

    I wonder if you actually vote.

    IF you did, you'd know that ID is required. So, unless Wilma Fingerdo or whomever has an ID with that name, and an address to go along with it, they're not voting.

    I was #149, at 9:00am. I had to wait in line for 25 minutes. What a turnout!

  6. i have a very small polling station, i have NEVER had a line to vote before. this morning, at 7:10, i was standing in a line. it was awesome!

    my daughter helped me make history.

  7. I have voted in the same precinct for over 25 years. I don't need to show an ID. My neighbors know me!
    I was #94 @ 8:00am. That signals a large turnout where I live.

    Vote early!

  8. John K: Wrong Kimber. Go to the Allegheny County website. You only need ID if you are a first time voter. And if they do not allow you to use the machine, then it clearly states on the website that you are to request a provisional ballot. So essentially, you can take Jive Turkey around and have him fill out all sorts of provisional ballots. LMAO Do I know my stuff or what? LOL

  9. John K: No wonder Hussein Obama has you eating out of the palm of his hand. You left wingers are so used to standing in line to get a govt handout what the heck. Only a liberal stands in line for govt handouts. Smarter conservatives get the same results by going when there are no lines. LOL LOL LMAO Oh Yah Bring it on lefties, Hussein Obama has nothing on us. LMAO Standing in line and bragging about it. LOL As dumb as it gets.

  10. You don't vote, do you, johnk?

    You aren't old enough, are you???!!!


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. John K has done more to get people to vote for Obama on this site than anyone else.
    Great job John K!!

  13. i voted at 10 a.m. i was somewhere around 470. my daughter went to her polling place at 9 and she was in line for a bit and in the hundred or so and it's a small place. my son-in-law went when they opened and he was #7.

    there was a first time voter right behind me in line. he had to show i.d. he was a democrat and he had his i.d. ready.

    jon k. you are really showing your gulliblity if you believe the right wing nutjobs that you obviously listen to.

  14. I voted at 11:00, no line but there were a lot of people milling around socializing afterwards. I vote in Mt. Lebanon which for the first time has more registered democrats than republicans! Go OBAMA!

  15. Hey John K, you are right. If you are a new voter, you need to have an approved type of ID with you. If you don't have ID, you can still cast a provisional ballot. Then, within a week, the county will contact you to establish your ID. So Lola Palloza would need to establissh a reisdence and get a driver's license within a week. Not a problem for the vast Kenyan communist conspiracy, with it's unlimited resources fueled by the sale of ... what's Kenya have to sell again?

  16. Barb, I lived in Mt. Lebanon four years ago. Our family were among the first few voters. There were 60 people in line by the time we left. Kerry got 1,000 more votes than Bush in Mt. Lebanon in 2004. In 2000, Bush got about 500 more votes than Gore.

    Now, we live out in North Fayette Township. Bush only got about 40 more votes than Gore in North Fayette in 2000. However, Kerry lost by 400 votes, implying that many of the newer voters moving out that way are more conservative. It'll be interesting to see how North Fayette votes this time. The lines were certainly longer than I've seen in prior elections.

  17. John K: That is not how the left is using the provisional ballot there Ed Heath. Over in Mt Lebanon there is a democratic worker telling people to take their time voting democrat so that the republicans with jobs will get frustrated and leave. You are allowed only 15 minutes to vote. (It took Hussin Obama exactly 15 minutes to vote for himself LMAO LMAO, what, he couldn't find present on the ballot?)

  18. John K: Hey did you hear that Chucky Schumer thinks listening to the radio is like watching pornography. He must have heard McIntire when he was on the radio. LMAO LOL LOL

  19. John K.
    You're losing.


    Write all the snarky comments you want. THE COUNTRY IS REJECTING YOUR RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, CRAZINESS!

    WOO HOO!!!!!!!!

  20. Amen, Macyapper!

    John K. and his ilk are getting repudiated today BIG TIME.

  21. You don't vote, do you, johnk?

  22. So stepping aside and filling out a paper provisional ballot is holding up Republicans with jobs how, John K?

    Ignoring the fact that you have no credibility, so I have no reason to believe a "democratic worker" said any such thing, and ignoring your snide innuendo that democrats don't have jobs.

    Did you ever read that law review article?

  23. Just got back from volunteering for Obama. I went to my polling place at 9:20, finished voting after 10 AM. There is usally never a line at that time of day. I was #148 and that's more than ususally vote all day there.

    I did hear that a pollworker at my precinct flipped out and threw the big book on the floor...this was on the South Side in 16-2. Anyone hear anything about that?
