November 4, 2008

Important Voter Infomation

The Angry Drunk Bureaucrat has all the important links:

Find Your Polling Place
Voting Info For Your State
Know Your Voting Rights
Report Voting Problems
Thanks, ADB!

And remember, here in da Burgh they can tell you to take off/hide campaign buttons/T-shirts/etc. inside the polls and you cannot take video/photographs inside the polls, but you can take in cell phones that can take photos -- you just can't take any photos with them.

Also, if you know that you're registered but there's some glitch and they say you can't vote: DO NOT LEAVE WITHOUT VOTING! AS A LAST RESORT ASK FOR A PROVISIONAL BALLOT.

By the way, there's reports of dirty tricks so do not believe any robo calls reporting to be from the Obama campaign telling you that you don't need to show up for a volunteer shift for which you signed up. And of course don't believe any other weird calls about voting by phone or voting on Wednesday (I know our readers wouldn't get snowed by this, but maybe you know someone who would).

If you have any questions, call:

1-877-5-PA-OBAMA (1-877-572-6226)



  1. John K: You bet there are reports of dirty tricks. Those acorn people need to be watched carefully. They will use bullying tactics and intimidation to try to sway you. Don't play to the mob. Stand up for Chuck.

  2. Or sit down on the John.

    (Couldn't resist)

  3. John K: Problem is Ed, Biden actually said my quote. You had to make yours up. Democrats are so dumb you just have to let them talk to get material.
