November 15, 2008

The Next President's Weekly Address

Now found on youtube:


  1. It's good to have a competent President.

  2. John K: The man-god has spoken. All hail the man-god Hussein Obama. He does know how to speak with a teleprompter. Too bad he hasn't said anything definitive yet. LOL

  3. To John K:

    Obama won. McCain lost.

    The Democrats won. Your Republicans lost.

    Get over it.

  4. John K: I have gotten over it. LOL So now I support the man-god Hussein Obama. All Hail the man-god, he has spoken. So let it be written, so let it be done.

  5. I believe it was George W Bush who claimed to speak directly to God, who knew God's will.

    Tell us, John K., does Limbaugh ever say anything you disagree with, or is he God?
