November 7, 2008

Oh Really?

Ok, so one story the now-beaten conservatives are trying to push is this. Now that the election is over and Barack Obama won, there's no more excuses for the African-American community.

I heard it yesterday on KDKA. And Bill Bennett's even said it to Anderson Cooper before the election (on CNN via crooks and liars):

Anderson Cooper: I mean, if he does become president, and it still is an if, does anyone know what this means in terms of change of race relations in the United States, or perception of?

Bennett: Well, I'll tell you one thing it means, as a former Secretary of Education: You don't take any excuses anymore from anybody who says, 'The deck is stacked, I can't do anything, there's so much in-built this and that.'
Woo-hoo! No more racism!

Except when this happens:
A family who had supported Barack Obama's presidential campaign emerged from their home in the northwestern New Jersey town of Hardwick Thursday morning to find the charred remnants of a 6-foot wooden cross on their front lawn.

Pieces of a homemade bedsheet banner reading "President Obama , Victory '08," which had been stolen from the yard the night before, also were found, leading investigators to believe the banner had been wrapped around the cross before it was set afire.

Lt. Gerald Lewis of the New Jersey State Police said his agency is treating the incident as a bias crime.

But hey, no excuses, right? Bill Bennett and the conservatives say so.


  1. My prediction is for an up-tick in racism, as white folks use their vote for Obama as a "get out of racism free" card. "Clearly I'm not racist! I voted for Obama. So when I called that n****** a n****** for cutting me off on the parkway this morning, it was OK! Those people don't know how to drive!"

  2. John K: Limbaugh was right again. The left has no interest in racism other than as a tool to use to obtain power. Richest woman in the world is black and now a black President along with the best golfer in the world black. Plus Dr. Rice and Justice Thomas. But the left needs the issue to use as a hammer to beat the opposition with. LMAO Doesn't work anymore. Find something else. LOL LOL

  3. John K: I think the left is now using code words to refer to racism. Let me get my decoder ring out to see if I can decifer some of them. Oh no! R K Turner uses some of them. You closet racist you. LMAO LOL LOL

  4. johnk,

    Tiger Woods is certainly a great golfer. That does not mean that country clubs no longer restrict membership.

    I'm not sure who "the world's richest woman is," but, assuming that she's black, that hardly means that the Forbes 400 isn't overwhelmingly white.

  5. John K: Kimber, so which country club can Tiger Woods not play golf at? Location Please. Aha Kimber sees the world according to race. Everything must be broken down according to the racial make up of a country. LOL Kimber it must be tough on you. I mean if you have a black friend drop off you have to either dump a white friend or search for anyone of color who will restore the racial balance. LOL LOL I think Kimber us using those racial code words also.

  6. John K: Remember the greatest baseball player of the modern era is also Black. Bonds. Of course he took steroids so we can use that as an excuse to keep him out of the hall of fame. See my racist decoder ring is working. LMAO LMAO you liberals are going to be so much fun.

  7. 1. You're probably not going to find a Pittsburgher who thinks Barroids should be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
    2. I don't think Roger Clemens should be, either. So now I hate there's a conspiracy against the white man because of that?

  8. John K: Now lets not try to rewrite history here left wing kooks. Obama did not grow up poor. Punahou school in HI is a private school, not public. He did not grow up in the south amidst the poverty that Sherry thinks she alone saw. But Justice Thomas did. Thomas grew up in the south raised by a grandfather who was a sharecropper. Obama was also raised by a grandparents but he threw them under the bus in an effort to use race as a vote getter. Thomas praises his grandfather. But according to the left, who see things in racial terms, who is blacker. Plus Thomas has slave blood. Obama has muslim blood. You left wing kooks lose, I WIN!

  9. John K: No Joshua, you racist. You proved the point. If Bonds doesn't make it then in your racially divided mind and to justify your actions you have to find and exclude a white person. LOMAO LMAO LMAO In my mind the verdict on Bonds is still out till they prove something in court. Do I know left wing bigots or what. And Joshua has passed the test for bigotry. How does it feel Homer?

  10. johnk,

    I'm sure that Tiger Woods could get into any country club that he desired.

    It's all other blacks, even the Dr's and Lawyers, who will still find it impossible to join restricted clubs.

    And. no, President-elect Obama did not grow up in poverty, but that was more a matter of the willingness of his grandparents to sacrifice for their grandchildren. And the idea that he "threw them under the bus" is ridiculous.

  11. I think the point is that you can't point to one (or ten or a thousand) person and ignore however millions of people are still in poverty, are still served by poor schools, have inferior educations and therefore are simply considered ineligible for higher education and the jobs you can get with it. Yes, Barack is a great success story. I think, contrary to what he says, he would likely have been successful in most other countries as well. But he wants to serve as an example that anyone can achieve things with hard work. In Obama’s case it helped to have a superior mind, and with both hard work and his intelligence he has achieved the highest public office in this country.

    But I am sure that although he does nt want to say it, Obama realizes he is the exception. Once employment numbers go up in African American neighborhoods, parents become involved with the schools and their children’s activities and a generation graduates with a decent education, then we can say it is on African Americans to get out there and (not join the army) be all that they can be. Until then, jobs are harder to get for African Americans, the jobs they do get pay less and have fewer opportunities for advancement, there is a higher level of unemployment in African American neighborhoods (along with a higher level of poverty) and from the start, the school are not as good.

  12. So, in your twisted mind JohnK, I have to rail against only black athletes who use steroids and performance enhancers in order to be considered NOT racist? Dude, you really need help. It's over, Johnny. IT'S OVER!!!!

  13. Well said, Ed.


  14. John K: Truth hurts there Sherry eh? Justice Thomas grew up in that south you drove thru. He meets all the definitions of being black in America except he ain't a liberal. Obama has met none of the criteria for being black in America but he is liberal. And you call me a fool. LOL LOL LMAO LMAO Sherry you are one bigoted liberal.

  15. John K: Don't sweat it Joshua. For every black athelete you hate you can also find a white one to hate just to prove your liberalism. Having quotas is just so like a bigot.

  16. There's criteria for being black in America? Besides being black in America?

    I am inclined to think of Thomas as foolish, but I would acknowledge his accomplishments. On the other hand, I believe that Obama did grow up somewhat poor, in that his mom was a student at least some of the time, and wasn't nessecarily finding work other times. I think he was a scholarhsip student at the Punahou school (it is a very good school, apparently, and fairly expensive). Still, I would agree that on a relative spectrum of things Obama had it better than Thomas, probably.

    John k, on another thread you said that Obam has until April 20 to eliminate poverty in America, or it will be detirmined that liberals cause poverty. How come Bush didn't eliminate poverty in eight years?

    Did you ever read that law review article?

  17. John K: UH Ed Heath, Bush never promised to eliminate poverty. Heath, you need to reread the Constitution. In America you have the right to suceed or fail and govt has no right to interfere in the process. Republicans want to lift all boats by showing how to be successful. Democrats want to do it thru handouts. Conservatives win.

  18. John K: On an intellectual scale Justice Thomas has Hussein Obama beat. And Thomas has been thru the black experience in America. Hussein Obama was surfing. But since Justice Thomas is a conservative all that counts for squat. You left wingers really need to do some self examination of your values. Especially you KImber.

  19. and as far as "lifting boats..."

    well, take a look around you.

    LOOK at what the republican's have done. go find the video of greenspan's testamony a feww weeks ago.

    guess what john k.

    unrestricted, un regulated capitalism is what sunk this economy abd got all our little boats reposessed!

    dunb ass!

    right now i don't feel like feeding

    a troll that's too dumb or too lazy to watch the damn news and has to just parrot things he's heard because it's easier than gathering facts.

  20. "Republicans want to lift all boats by showing how to be successful." First of all, the thought of lifting all boats is that as the economy improves, poor people can get jobs or better jobs than they have now, and their lives improve. You don't even know your own frickin' metaphors.

    Second, which is it, did Bush not promise to end poverty, or did Republicans want to "lift all boats"? You can't have it both ways (at least, not in the same paragraph). In any event, if conservatives win, it was only by getting more money for themselves during the Bush years, by taking it from the poor with the excuse of protecting the country.

    I guess Bush really does hate poor people, that wouldn't end poverty.

    In what possible way would Clarence Thomas have Barack Obama beat "on an intellectual scale". Because your God, Limbaugh, likes Thomas? I have already said that I would acknowledge Thomas' accomplishments, but I disagree with his conservative views. I don’t know what Thomas’ grades were (and I am pretty sure you have no idea either), although Thomas hints they were good in a quote in his Wikipedia entry. It does appear Obama got very good grades at Harvard, near the top of his class (magna cum laude) and of course was chosen by his fellow student to be President of the Law Review. That honor indicates to me that, having established himself as very smart, he had the political skills to win the Presidency.

    So maybe you can show some objective reason for saying Thomas beats Obama “on an intellectual scale”, or maybe you’ll just parroting Limbaugh. Too bad you can’t think for yourself.

    Did you ever read that law review article?
