November 1, 2008

Palin Prank Called for Seven Minutes by Comedy Duo Posing as Sarkozy

It'd be funny if it wasn't so fucking scary.

Obviously, this demonstrates the very real dangers of sitting down with world leaders without preconditions...

(Makes the phonebanking I did today all the more worth it.)


  1. I heard the recording of this call just after reading the article concerning the Michigan delegate to the Republican national convention who restricted Halloween treats to children who said their parents would not support Sen. Obama. Perfect antidote.

    Make sure that as you listen you have the transcript that explains that the French song title translates to "I Put Lipstick On A Pig," that the "prime ministers" (including the "prime minster of Quebec") mentioned are French and Canadian entertainers, and that the "edgy" documentary he raves about is none other than . . . "Hustler's Nailin' Pailin."

  2. I so hope she's the future of the Republican Party.

    btw How's the phonebanking going?

  3. I was calling predominately African American districts in Pgh yesterday -- no one was voting for McCain. I did get two people who refused to say who they were voting for but they had long philosophical reasons why they did not answer election polls.

    I did find a couple more volunteers for election day and that was very satisfying. :-)

    Also was able to answer questions about IDs, provisional ballots, wearing campaign T's/buttons to the polls, etc.

    I'll be phonebanking again today from 1 - 7 and I'm taking off all day Tuesday to volunteer.

  4. John K: The left takes pride in this? 3rd grade humour and the left thinks they scored some points? Hey call me on the phone for my opinion, I will make you feel good and tell you I am voting for Hussein Obama. My name should be on the list of Democrats. LOL LOL LMAO Me and others like me have been skewing your polls for 6 months now. LMAO

  5. Jaywillie: I have been focused almost entirely on another element of the campaign for a couple of weeks, so the extent of my knowledge about the phonebanking operation is (a) the people responsible for it appear to be competent, confident and thrilled and (b) my home has received at least 15 calls in the past few days, with Obama responsible for a slight majority of them. My sense is that the Democratic GOTV operation this year will lead the Republican GOTV operation, perhaps by a substantial margin.

    John: Sometimes third-grade humor illuminates a substantive point. Palin is a dope. Those who support her are dopes. Just as the jokes reveal her true character, her true character (in the political context) is a joke. And this election day, my friend, the joke is on you and everyone who thinks like you.

    Figuratively speaking, that plane back to Wasilla is going to overshoot the meth capital of Alaska and take her straight to Siberia. Enjoy your time in the wilderness, wingnuts.

  6. Maria and Infinonymous,

    Thanks for the info. All I wanted to hear is that the volunteers are feeling optimistic, got lots of energy and feel good about Tuesday - and that seems to be the case.

    And keep up the good work, Maria.

    I've wanted to volunteer but between school full-time and working it's been really hard. But I think I'm going to make myself available Tuesday to help out up here in Butler.

    I really want this election.

    It's time for President Obama!

    And Infinonymous, this is perhaps one of the funniest things I've ever read here:

    "Figuratively speaking, that plane back to Wasilla is going to overshoot the meth capital of Alaska and take her straight to Siberia. Enjoy your time in the wilderness, wingnuts."

    I second that closing sentiment.

    All right everyone...48 hours...let's get it done.

    It's time to whoop some GOP ass.
