November 4, 2008

President-elect Obama!



  1. CNN calls VA for O!

    He's also retaken the lead in NC and looks like he's going to pick up IN, FL, MT, NV, CO and maybe MT.

    I am so glad to be alive at this moment in our country's history.

    I never thought I would live to see this moment.

    As a person of mixed heritage - Native American and German/Irish - I can't begin to say what this moment means to me, to millions like me, to all the people out there who have waited so long.

    I just can't believe it.

    I'm so happy for my country tonight.

    Savor this moment everyone - this moment stands alongside the greatest moments in our history.

  2. Our long national nightmare is over!

  3. Froth,

    HA! I posted that too as you were commenting. :-)

  4. I thought it's be likely that I wouldn't live to see an African American president, and yet, here it is.

    His two beautiful daughters will grow up in the White House.

    It's real.

  5. I wonder if JohnK will be gracious in defeat.

    Still waiting.
