November 12, 2008

Red/Blue State O' Mind

Red met Blue this weekend at the home of one of my siblings where various family members gathered to celebrate multiple birthdays.

The red was the M-15 one sibling received as a gift and the blue was the Georgetown Cupcake ("DC's destination for designer cupcakes") cupcakes* we were munching on as we watched the aforementioned sibling aim at a really big bug** on the wall (the lite on the rifle lit up the bug rill purty like).

Can you say cognitive dissonance?

* See Pittsblog
No bug was actually harmed in the making of this post...or on Saturday.


  1. John K: So it would be okay to squash that bug with a shoe? Remember left wing fear mongers, Sen. Kennedy has killed more people with his car than most Americans with a gun.

  2. And EXACTLY the same number as LAURA BUSH.

  3. I said no bugs were harmed. Someone caught it in their hands and set it out side.

    So, you really think the proper course of action would have been to shoot it with an M-15...inside a house??

    How many rounds??

  4. As someone who also goes by "Guntotinliberal:"

    The military designation is M-16

    The civilian version is the AR-15

    As a gift, though, I'm all for it. Given the current, "Obama's gonna grab our guns" atmosphere in local gun shops, probably a good investment.

  5. John K: So why didn't you let the Bug bite you. They have a right to eat. LOL Hypocrite

  6. John K: Liberals are not opposed to the ownership of guns. Heck they hire people with guns to provide protection. Hussein Obama has quite a few folks armed to the teeth to protect him. Liberals just don't think average people have the ability to handle guns. But then Kennedy behind the wheel is a lethal weapon and no one suggests Uncle Ted be banned from driving while drunk.

  7. John K. I can't resist. Should we also ban raid because it kills bugs? Raid is a weak form of nerve gas. LMAO LMAO Bugs biting liberals, do I have a great idea or what?

  8. Kimber, I was a little surprised by the use of the designation M-15 as well, as I have been by the use of term M-4 on the news. According to the Wikipedia pages on the M-14, M-15 and M-16, there are a bunch of relatively recent designations I hadn't heard about. Check it aht, as they say round here.

    More gibberish from John K; I don't think liberals oppose drunk driving laws, or expect exemptions from them for anyone. At least liberals don't feel threatened by and support legislation designed to curb strawman purchases of guns, you conservatives actually seem to support murder, just to be able to buy five guns or more a month (and I think exemptions could be made for collectors, as long as they were mostly for obsolete black power guns).

  9. Personally, given the level of hate coming from some of the people showing up at rallies for McCain and (especially) Palin, I think it's we liberals who should be stocking up on arms and ammunition.

  10. How does that much stupid end up in one person?

    I think we all know to whom I refer.

  11. How does that much stupid end up in one person?

    jaywillie, you apparently haven't spent much time in the right-wing blogosphere. Wingnuts apparently believe in "spreading the stupid".
