December 4, 2008

Jack Black is Jesus?

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Of course it would be Doogie Houser who has the solution.

But where did Margaret Cho get all those tattoos?


  1. John K: Thanks for proving the point. You would never run a comedy skit saying Jack Black was Mohammed or Allah. But you figure you can get away with this so what the heck. Wonder why left wingers get all upset when Limbaugh mocks them?

  2. You really don't understand whom it is is being mocked, do you, little boy?

  3. John K: Every year it is the same old crap with you left wing kooks. You take a Christian holiday and do your best to demean and mock it. You would never do that during Ramadan or Hannukah. The courts would not permit it. But every year the same left wing sickos get orgasms from mocking Christmas. Which shows how sick and demented you are. Get help with your personal problems before you do something violent to other people.

  4. Who, John K., in that wee video, mocked Christmas? As for mocking Allah or Mohammed (or Buddha or Confucius or the Dalai Llama), I don’t believe they weighed in heavily on Proposition 8.

    Why would the courts get involved with an internet video?

    Actually, why am I asking? You use insulting terms (“crap”, “kooks”) you don’t actually have any evidence for what you say, you just insult people to get a reaction. And when called on it, you don’t answer questions You prove conservatism is totally bankrupt intellectually. By insulting David Brooks and George Will, you give them huge amounts of credibility. And you take away any credibility Limbaugh or Quinn might have. thetruth hurts, don't it.

  5. i love this.

    you know john k. touching pigskin or sitting in a chair in which a menstruating woman sat is a sin too!

  6. That hypothetical would work, Peanut, if there was anything in Christianity against depicting Jesus Christ. Fact is, it's commonplace, and fact is Jack Black's was an entirely respectful if irreverent depiction.

    Oh, what the what am I doing? Kimber, obviously I have a soft spot for your notion of calling him names, but why don't we just do the easy thing and just never respond to him, not a peep, never ever ever, until he writes something intelligent? I think I remember him doing it once, he's capable of it. Until then, what the what are any of us doing acknowledging his existence? I propose we all stop forever right ... NOW.

  7. Awww, but we just starting to have fun ...

  8. i've been singing along all day.

    love it!

  9. Oops. Blogger asked for a nickname, and I gave it "gtl," but, it's still Kimber45.

  10. John K: Nothing more needs to be said. You won't mock Islam or the Jews because you aren't protected by the courts. But you will do it to Christians. Enough said, you know exactly what you are doing.

  11. I would like to state for the record: I mock everyone. Christians, Muslims, Jew, Atheists, my Mom. Everyone. Except John K and George W. Bush. It's not fair to pick on the mentally challenged... God Bless America!

  12. John K: No you don't Gab. When was the last time you stood outside a Mosque calling Allah a fraud and mocking Mohammed? You're doing what all liberals do, deceiving yourself.

  13. John K: Hey how about Limbaugh. Mentioned all those Obama people that went to GA to help out the Democrat what's his name. And then played tapes of Sen. Chambliss praising Gov. Palin. Looks like the base responded to her and Chambliss's turn towards the right. Need more proof there Ed and Kimber, listen to Limbaugh and Hannity more and stop reading the Daily Kos. LOL LOL LMAO LMAO Or just be safe and go back to mocking Christians and thinking the public respects you.

  14. I've heard lots of jokes about the Pope. My favorite:

    It's the Second Coming. In Rome, people are laying palm branches down in the street, as the Lord approaches the Vatican. A Cardinal bursts into the Pope's chambers, to find the Pope busily studying scriptures. "The Lord! He's coming here! What do we do??"

    "Look busy!" said the Pope.

    Can't say that I've heard many Protestant jokes, probably just because we aren't very funny. The closest I can come is a description of football as: "Just like Protestant sex. Grunts, groans, and random collisions, once a week."

    The only

  15. A priest, a rabbi and a horse walk into a bar, and the bartender says "What is this, a joke?"

  16. Hey, John -

    Allah, Buddha, Jesus and Yahweh can all go get fucking bent for all I care.

    Why do you think rightwing Christians get picked on so much, John? Do you think maybe it's because they try to force their religious beliefs on everyone else?

    Maybe if the winger Christians actually behaved like Christians, they wouldn't catch so much flack.

    But I suppose if their going to act like assholes, which is their chief MO, is it really a surprise?

    Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible about reaping what you sow?

    And while the notion of ignoring John is admirable, it's just too much fun(and too easy) to refute and insult his insane winger delusions. I mean, how hysterical is it that he has no idea what's in that video and yet comments on it? It's friggin' brilliant! Ha!

    And he's crowing about hanging on to Scumbag Chambliss' seat in Georgia - a seat they were supposed to win.

    Good for you, John. I'll take the 7-8 seats we picked up in the Senate, the 20+ seats we picked up in the House and the President we elected, who's more of a Christian than you'll ever be. Take that to the bank, my friend.

  17. Wow, I'm surprised nobody has said this yet:

    Nobody f**ks with the Jesus.

  18. John K: So Jaywillie you are more of a Christian than me because you won an election? Listen to yourself Homer. Each time you post you prove me right.

  19. John K: The Republican base responded to Palin. Pisses off the left because the left thinks only elite intellectuals can run this country. So despite all the efforts of Obama surrogates to rally their base they lost. If McCain had done the same thing, he would be President. But McCain chose to be a Democrat. Conservatives rule!

  20. Chambliss got about 700,000 fewer votes in the runoff than he got in the Nov. 4th election.

  21. Anybody remember Valery Giscard d'Estange? He used to bill himself as "the World's Most Intelligent Leader," back in the 70's. Which brings us to my favorite joke with a priest in it:

    Ford, Brezhnev, Giscard, a priest, and a hippie, were on a plane. The pilot radioed back to them that they had engine trouble, and they were going to crash in a few minutes.

    But, there were only 4 parachutes for 5 passengers!

    Ford said: "I am the World's Most Powerful Leader. I need to survive." He grabbed a chute, and jumped.

    Brezhnev said: "I am the communist World's Most Powerful Leader. I need to survive." He grabbed a chute, and jumped.

    Giscard said: "I am the World's Most Intelligent Leader. I need to survive." He grabbed a chute, and jumped.

    The priest looked at the hippie, and said: "My son, I've had a long and full life. You're a young man. You take the last chute. You should survive."

    The hippie smiled and said: "That's OK, Father. The World's Most Intelligent Leader just strapped on my backpack, and jumped."

  22. Wow, John. That's not what I said at all.

    Clearly basic reading comprehension is not one of your finer attributes.

    Here's what I said, John:

    "And he's crowing about hanging on to Scumbag Chambliss' seat in Georgia - a seat they were supposed to win.

    Good for you, John. I'll take the 7-8 seats we picked up in the Senate, the 20+ seats we picked up in the House and the President we elected, who's more of a Christian than you'll ever be. Take that to the bank, my friend."

    See, what I'm saying is that your a clown for gloating about picking up a Senate seat that shouldn't even be a contest for you.

    You: 1 Senate seat retained = huge victory

    Me: +20 in the House, +8 in the Senate + the White House = something to actually gloat about.

    Like I said...You can have Chambliss' seat. I'll take our House, Senate and White House victories.

    And McCain ran as a Democrat? Is that what went wrong, John? So he ran as a Democrat against a socialist???

    And by all means...hitch your horse to Palin, because if you think that is the way forward, more power to you. Enjoy living the rest of your life as a member of a minority party.

    Americans don't like Sarah. Keep pretending they do.

    And, frankly, John, I'm not a Christian. I don't run around pretending to be one, like you. To be honest, every time you comment you prove that your Captain Fucktard. An insult from you is like a badge of honor..."The nitwit insulted me...oooohhhhh!"

    GTL - good jokes.
