December 1, 2008

Obama's National Security Team: After all the leaks, it's now official

You can read the prepared test of his speech here.

Meanwhile, the Clinton haters cannot get over Hillary being named Secretary of State. Witness Bob Woodward via Media Matters:
WOODWARD: She never goes away, she and her husband. It's an amazing national security team that Obama appears to have selected. It's kind of like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." You've got too cool, which might be -- or at least appropriately cool -- General Jones as the national security adviser; Gates is kind of just right, in the middle; and Hillary Clinton, hot.

This is going to be a whole new center of gravity for the news media, for the world. My assessment -- without having any knowledge, really -- is that the economists and the economic team around Obama convinced him that the economic crisis is so deep and going to require so much time, go ahead and give Hillary and Bill the world.

Hey, Bobby!

You've been around a good bit longer than the Clintons have and while I appreciate your reporting on Watergate, you couldn't carry enough water for Bush while it was still a fashionable thing to do, so why don't you fuck off and go away already?

Your BFF,


  1. You missed the best part about Woodward's commentary!!

    I quote: My assessment -- without having any knowledge,really

    Bob's just making stuff up!

  2. John K: So now the Bush doctrine in foreign policy has become the Obama policy. Reality has set into Obama's brain. LMAO And you lefties got taken at the ballot box again. Remember, in this plan there is provisions for 20,0000 uniformed troops to be activated to handle domestic issues. LMAO This is just so funny.

  3. John K: Woodward makes stuff up. And the funny part is the left just figured this out? The left has been quoting Woodward when it suited their purposes. Now he makes stuff up? LOL LOL LMAO Left wing kooks have no morals.

  4. I think I love you, Maria. You know? Real love. Joe Biden kind of love...

  5. Like the post said, we do appreciate Woodward's reporting on Watergate (which turned out to be true, John K.), but he was an awful tool for the Bush administration. I mean, it's true that Hillary basically doesn’t have any real foreign policy experience. But she is something of a ground breaker, and she is smart. I think she will do fine at State, I think she will speak passionately about Obama’s policies, and I don’t thin she will wander off the reservation. And I think Bill will settle back into being an ex-Pres, and Democratic rock star, and do what he seems to do best: raise money and pontificate.

    So where, John K. is the evidence that Obama has adopted the Bush Doctrine, or are you Sarah Palin, not even knowing what the Bush Doctrine is? Is it because he kept Bob Gates at Defense? Because of course Gates is the same as Rumsfeld. You can't even link to something Limbaugh said, because you don't know how.
