January 16, 2009

Bush: "I was willing to make the tough decisions."

"You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions."

- President George W. Bush

(h/t to Daily Kos)


  1. I, too, am willing to make some tough decisions.

    Being a, if not "the", Decider, I've made the decision that all labrador puppies must die. I'm not limiting this to pups within the city limits - I want the ones in as far away as Australia & Tibet killed too.

    While yinz may not agree with the tough decision I have made, I hope you can agree that I was, (and continue to be), willing to make the tough decisions, with total disregard for yinz' opinions n'at.

    Ooops, I forgot that, unlike Bush, I wasn't elected by the majority of yinz.

    Ooops, I did it again, Bush wasn't exactly elected by the majority of yinz either.

    There may've been more outrage had Bush decided to kill baby labradors...

  2. i think you are right on that puppy thing.

    sad, isn't it?
