January 8, 2009

Cheney claims to be warm! and lovable!

From Andy Barr at Politico:
Vice President Dick Cheney said Wednesday that his image has gotten a bad rap in the press and that he is in fact “a warm, lovable sort.”

Cheney conceded in an interview with CBS radio that he sometimes expresses himself “rather forcefully toward some of my compatriots, like Pat Leahy from Vermont” but dismissed as a caricature the idea that he is a “Darth Vader-type personality.”

“I think all of that’s been pretty dramatically overdone,” the vice president said. “I’m actually a warm, lovable sort.”

Especially when I'm condoning waterboarding!



  1. oh lordy!!!

    and he wasn't struck down by lightning?????

  2. Na, I think right after he said it he fired up another bowl of crack.

