January 6, 2009

Pot Meets Kettle

Leave it to a guy to talk about the controversies involved in Ann Coulter's new book and book tour and leave out the most important one: Ann slams Michelle Obama's fashion sense in it:
Coulter wrote, "Her obvious imitation of Jackie O's style - the flipped-under hair, the sleeveless A-line dresses, the short strands of fake pearls - would have been laughable if done by anyone other than a media-designated saint."
OK, I'm kidding of course that this is important. Lord knows we had enough scrutiny of Hillary's pantsuits and cleavage and Palin's wardrobe during the election. But, I do find it amusing that someone who has made a virtual fetish* out of little black cocktail dresses would presume to have any complaint about anyone else's wardrobe.

And, no, I'm not knocking little black dresses. But Annie's reliance on them and the contrast of her very black clothes coupled with her very fair hair and skin has always made me see her as a Robert Longo painting come-to-life which would put Little Annie, style-wise, firmly back in the last century -- along with Jackie O -- not to mention that her own attire is so often "sleeveless A-line dresses."

Barbara by Robert Longo

* See here:



  1. Ann had a interesting interview today where she states that it is amusing that the left is concerned about right wing hate causing someone to try to kill Obama when most of the people who tried to kill the past Presidents were on the left side of the political spectrum.

    Also at the risk of being labelled a misogynist, it appears they photoshopped the cover of Guilty to broaden her face when you compare it with the other pictures.

  2. EVERY book cover, magazine cover of any woman is usually photoshopped to death in the interests of some impossible to reach beauty standard.

  3. Um, Mein Heir, John Wilkes Booth was certainly NOT on the left end of the political spectrum. I don't believe Charles Guiteau was, either (he just HAD to have his civil-service job). Squeaky Fromme, Sarah Jane Moore, and John Hinckley, Jr. were all bona fide nut cases. I don't know what the hell Lee Harvey Oswald was (a Commie plant, an FBI plant, or another nut case). So that leaves you with Leon Czolgosz, Sirhan Sirhan, and Giuseppe Zangara.

  4. Well, there's another vapid statement from Frau Coulter. That's just a logical fallacy; it's a negative correlation. Big surprise an angry halfwit hack like Ann Coulter said it, huh?

    Unless Heir's purpose is to make Ann look like the moron she is, I'd stop using her own quotes to defend her.

    It's not working.

  5. She is a skanky witch. No other word for it. I find her as attractive as an artichoke...with apologies to artichokes everywhere....

    Of course, what's really ugly is what's inside.


  6. Hey, I LOVE artichokeS! Rather tasty in my opinion. Coulter though, is about as appetizing as a brillo pad.

  7. i think,she surpasses all of her fellow right wing liars. that's pretty hard to do but she does it by adding nasty crap that means nothing to the countrys wellbeing.

    who really cares what a 1st lady wears?

    i hope i live long enough to see old annie at 80 in her black dress and pearls at 8 in the damn morning!

    she's a poster child for anorexia !


    my eyes!

    that was not nice, maria.
