January 15, 2009

Reminder on County Council Public Hearing on Nondiscrimination

County Council Public Hearing on Nondiscrimination (Bill No. 4201-08)

Date: TODAY! Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Location: 4th Floor, County Court House, 436 Grant Street, Pittsburgh
Notes: This hearing regards the County's ordinance that would prohibit discrimination in Employment, Housing and Public Accommodations. Certain categories, including sexual orientation, are in jeopardy of not being included.

Also if you haven't already, please contact your councilor and the two at large members. Contact information can be found at:

You can remind them that people actually do get fired simply for being gay and it's completely LEGAL.

And, let them know that a recent study found that politicians who support LGBT rights are in turn supported by the voting public. While the study was about gay marriage -- which is actually more controversial than nondiscrimination ordinances -- pols who supported rights got reelected. And, they were rewarded by voters from both parties.

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