February 25, 2009

Good Stuff from Peduto to do TODAY

From City Councilman Bill Peduto:
A Stimulating Conversation

So what does the Stimulus Package mean for Pittsburgh? If you don't know, don't feel bad - you're not alone.

You may have read Bill's op-ed in the Post Gazette on how a Progressive Stimulus Plan that focuses on economic growth, housing, and infrastructure could bolster older American cities. If you haven't, take the time to read it and then join Councilman Peduto and the members and friends of Pittsburgh's CEOs for Cities for a very special and unique salon on Wednesday at 5:30 PM. The location is wherever you have your computer, the address is www.vivolive.com/pghceos4cities .

Bill has harnessed a group of federal, state and local leaders to present facts and shine light into the process. He has also recruited Vivo - a Pittsburgh-based tech firm - to showcase their new technology and give you an opportunity to do more than watch - you will have the chance to participate. This time, the revolution will be broadcast!

Let There Be Light

On Wednesday, Pittsburgh City Council will vote on a plan to create an aggressive program of replacing all of our street lights with energy-saving LED lights.

Councilman Peduto introduced his vision in December to make Pittsburgh a global leader in 21st century urban lighting. He has solicited and earned the support of The Clinton Foundation's Climate Initiative and Carnegie Mellon University's Remaking Cities Institute. It is important for Council to take action on Wednesday. Savings from LED lights have been as high as 85% and the life of the light is expected to be ten times that of an incandescent bulb. Pittsburgh can be a world leader in smart, sustainable, and cost-efficient government. Pittsburgh can be a world leader in smart, sustainable, and cost-efficient government. Click here and tell Council you want them to support the LED bill on Wednesday.


  1. At the end of the day, I think Peduto's choice to abandon hopes of being Mayor, and instead, work around the edges, has proven to be a very good thing indeed for Pittsburgh. It gives him the freedom to work these sort of cooperative endeavors and not have the constraints of politics burdening him.

    And wouldn't it be nice to be known for something OTHER than our football team? There was a time...

