March 2, 2009

Republicans ♥ Failure

Rush Limbaugh reaffirms that he wants the President of the United States of America to fail:

Michelle Malkin Agrees:

Tom Delay chimes in:

Even Lil Ricky Santorum gets in on the act:

The Rush statement has a bonus Steelers mention. Anyone else feel dirty listening to Rush talk about rooting for the Steelers? Anyone else remember when it was considered evil, unpatriotic and downright traitorous just to say you were embarrassed by the president?


  1. they've gone beyond normal party loyalty.

    it isn't anything other than a LUST for power.

  2. and people's homes and retirement funds and college tuitions and rent payments and car payments and food budgets etc are NOT the same as the outcome of a FOOTBALL game and THAT is what limbaugh et al either fail to realize or they do not give a rat's ass about because "they got theirs!"

  3. You already said it, but TREASON!! Why do conservitards hate America?

  4. I want Obama's attempts to institute many of his policies to FAIL. EPIC FAIL.

    - Employee Free Choice Act (snort on title) a/k/a Card Check - FAIL.
    - Freedom of Choice Act a/k/a Baby Killing on Demand - FAIL.
    - Eliminating Missle Shield in Europe - FAIL.
    - Giving Hamas $900 million - FAIL. Screw those terrorists. Make it a parking lot.
    - Another mortgage bailout ($275 B on top of the $300B passed last year) - FAIL. Your. Mortgage. Is. Not. My. Problem.
    - Protectionism (see Porkulus bill re: Buy American only) - FAIL. Free Trade only.
    - Close Gitmo - FAIL.
    - Give up in Iraq - FAIL.

    Need I say more?

  5. Seems as though the left and the Democrat Party can only wail against Conservatives (and Republicans) and call them names (real classy, by the way) - without expressing just what they LIKE or BELIEVE about Obama's policies.. course, they "feel good" and "love" and "worship" Obama, "The One".

    I doubt if many of you liberals have -
    1. Even read any of the Porkulus bill,
    2. Have ever been or ever will be in Senior Management,
    3. Have ever been or ever will own a business,
    4. Have or ever will have a basic understanding of economics or tax policy.

  6. Oh, forgot..

    - Cap and Trade - FAIL.
    - Stopping Domestic Oil & Gas Production - FAIL.
    - Climate Change Legislation - FAIL.

    I'll think of more later.

  7. Hey, Conservative Mountaineer -

    Come down off your hilltop -- oh, I forgot, the coal company already sliced it off -- and get real.

    On what planet can you possible live on? Liberals not in upper management or owning businesses? Are you out of your mind? Should I quit my job now just to prove your point?

    Or are you just trying to be funny? Do you realize just what you're saying -- that the upper level jobs are the sole provence of the GOP? Duh? Yea, you all wanna keep those cushy management jobs, while telling the middle class and below to just "Listen to OUR tax policy. It'll work!"

    How the GOP can claim any higher moral ground in the current crisis amazes me. Your party's blind ambition and rapacious attitude FUCKING GOT US HERE!

    You can try to parse Obama's words and deeds all you want, but the Republican Party and its adherents are watching the invaders come over the hill. You are outgunned and outmanned. Your days are officially OVER.

    Iraq War: FAILED.
    GOP in 2008: FAILED
    War in Afghanistan; FAILED
    Search for Bin Laden: FAILED
    Unfettered Free Market Policy: FAILED
    Torture: FAILED
    Gitmo: FAILED

    It was your freaking people and policies that have brought this proud nation to its knees...and now you take your marching orders from a drug-addled former DJ? Please retreat to your pathetic state, where 17% of the populace is below the poverty line...and tell me that Bush, et al had "the answers."


  8. Tim Murphy was pushing the buy American steel only amendment to the stimulus bill.

    And Obama was elected by the American people (well, actually by the Electoral College, but they are supposed to represent the will of the people). If conservatives could call liberals traitors for not wanting to support Bush, what can liberals say about you?

  9. limbaugh and the rest are stalling progress on the recovery (which will be long and difficult enough)
    their in fighting and beyond the pale retoric is causing the ecomomic powers that be to BE nervous at a time when we need confidence in recovery.

    and why? not their true belief in their system. they can't be that stupid ehen even greenspan said it didn't and doesn't work.

    no, it's their cushy jobs and power.

    trickle down didn't. the greed was too great to put it back into the system. instead they asked/lobbied for loopholes and moved companies from city to city and then to mexico, then china and india so they could gain more and THEN they put if offshore or just plain out stole.

    they played people like patsies and STILL your pride refuses to let you admit it, even to yourself and limbaugh and the rest count on that stubborn pride.
