April 13, 2009

Fox "News" Does It Again.

From Huffingtonpost:
Fox News' Neil Cavuto has gone on the defensive lately, defending his network's coverage of the coming political fringe tax day Renaissance Faires known as Tea Parties. Naturally, no one in the wide world is reasonably disputing that Fox is out of bounds in covering the Teabaggers. The more stringent objections lie with Fox's decision to promote and support these events. But this is what they want to spend their capital on, I suppose!
And so what did Neil do? He said this:
Just a reminder, we are going to be right in the middle of these protests because at FOX we do not pick and choose these rallies and protests. We were there for the Million Man March, even though, as I pointed out, it turned out to be well shy of a million men.
Only one thing wrong with that. From News Hounds:
Neil Cavuto has been defending FOX News' coverage of the upcoming tax day tea parties by repeatedly suggesting that FOX News gave similar coverage to the Million Man March. But the Million Man March occurred October 16, 1995 whereas FOX News was not operating until October 7, 1996, nearly a year later.
That's some trick!


  1. Tea Party: More Liberal FailTo begin with, Cavuto didn't say "Fox News." He said Fox. And Murdock and Fox have been in the biz since 1985. An awkward correction, indeed ... though given that it's HuffPo I doubt we'll see one.BTW, I remember News Hounds being outraged and screaming racism because Fox News was siding with the accused instead of Mike Nifong/Crystal Gail Mangum.

  2. Nice try, HTTT;

    Here's what Cavuto said:

    Just a reminder, we are going to be right in the middle of these protests because at FOX we do not pick and choose these rallies and protests. We were there for the Million Man March, even though, as I pointed out, it turned out to be well shy of a million men.He used "we" to mean "Fox News" just four words in. It would be absurd to say that he switched his meaning of those two letters in the next sentence to mean "Fox Network". Just absurd.

    Indeed Cavuto's CORRECTED HIMSELF (of sorts). Take a look here.

    His correction is subtle:

    But a Million Man March that turns out to be well shy of a million men, even a half-million men, does count for them. We covered the follow-up marches to that Million Man March.Now, why do you think he shifted things?


    An error you don't think he made.

    Nice try, though. Next time try a little harder. Maybe you'll get it right.

  3. Nice try, though. Next time try a little harder. Maybe you'll get it right.Anyone know why, when I read these words addressed to Mein Heir, I get visions of blind squirrels and acorns?
