May 6, 2009

Around the Burgosphere

  • The Reformation is making a comeback with the re-launch of City Councilman Bill Peduto's Reform Pittsburgh Now site (he even nails his theses to the virtual door).

  • Progress Pittsburgh notes a need for election workers in Pittsburgh's 7th and 8th Wards for the May 19th primary.

  • Progress Pittsburgh (again) and The Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society report on yard sign thuggery against Natalia Rudiak and Susan Banahasky (I also hear that Georgia Blotzer supporters are facing intimidation when putting up her signs in their own yards and it sure as hell is not coming from the Rob Frank camp).

  • Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents gives a queer perspective on the City Council District 6 race.

  • The Pittsburgh Comet "Will Make You Talk About Pat Ford If It's The Last Thing This Blog Does," dammit! (You go, Bram!)

  • The Busman's Holiday's April 22nd post is relevant anew as Lil Mayor Luke dodged the making his schedule public question one mo' time at this week's mayoral debate. Bonus points to Lukey for blaming it all on Dowd instead of Mayo asking the question. Meanwhile, Early Returns gets all hairy over the debates.

  • The City Paper interviewed local bloggers Bram and Matt H on print vs. blogs and agendas (which we blogged on here).

  • The Angry Drunk Bureaucrat provides a sneak peak at web-based permitting.

  • View from the BurghChair interviews, uh, everyone!

  • And, A Spork in the Drawer takes on Pooh.
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