May 5, 2009

From the Ick Files

In their never ending quest for post world domination (that is when they are not busy trying to dominate this world gays), the LDSers (Mormons) have apparently baptized Barack Obama's mother into their cult church cult/church thirteen years after she died (and during the heat of the presidential election).

The Mormons make a habit of baptizing dead people and had to promise to quit baptizing Jews who had been murdered in the Holocaust (a promise that they kept only briefly).

But not to worry, dead baptized folks have the chance to accept or reject the baptism. If they do accept, they can have even more kids after they die and get their own planet for their families.*

*NOTE: I may be getting this confused with Scientology or an old episode of Star Trek.

Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement and not gay
(no, really!) and not posing for a Harlequin Romance book cover


1 comment:

  1. this practice truly pisses me off.

    i first learned of it years ago and thought, no, can't be, but it is and it is insulting.
