May 2, 2009

Lil Mayor Luke Apologizes for Campaign Ad Lie Boo-boo

Apparently there's some sort of kerfuffle over one of Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's campaign ads.

I've seen Logs's Luke's spots and don't really have a problem, but judge for yourself:



  1. At least he had the decency not to use Civil War Log™.

    Heh. I haven't watched Ren and Stimpy since it was on the air.


  2. Anyone else disgusted with how Lukey is pushing his "black-and-gold-ness" in his campaign signs? Makes me absolutely sick, as if to say that he's Pittsburgh and Dowd is Cleveland or something foreign. Is this what mayoral politics comes down to, SPORTS LOYALTIES?

  3. @ Spork: I pretty muched tuned out Ren & Stimpy after John K left.

    @ Joshua: yes

  4. Our Country wreaks of trees
    Our yaks are really large
    And they smell like rotting beef carcasses...
