May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009, Pittsburgh


  • Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall Memorial Day Celebration
    4141 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, 412.621.4253
    TODAY, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    - 10:30 Special Ceremony in Memory of Pennsylvania’s Soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in the War on Terrorism
    - 11:00 Presentation of new Memorial Garden Project
    - 1:00 Miss Soldiers & Sailors Contest (ages 13-17, 18-25)
    - More details here

  • Area Parades
    - More details here

  • "Fallen Not Forgotten" Memorial Benefit Concert for the Fallen Police Officers
    Amphitheatre at Station Square, One Station Square West Lot, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
    TODAY, 1:00 PM doors, 1:30 PM show

    - $10.00
    - All Ages
    - All proceed's go to the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police 'Fallen Hero's Fund', which benefit's the families of officer's, Paul J. Sciullo, Stephen J. Mayhle, and Eric G. Kelly.
    - The event will feature performances from Rusted Root, B.E. Taylor, Joe Grushecky And The House Rockers, Bill Deasy, Chris Higbee Project, Punchline, Wiz Khalifa, Mercury, Good Brother Earl, Granti Brothers, Buzz Poets (Acoustic), and additional performances from Abby Abondanza (formerly of Poverty Neck Hillbillies), TEN (Pearl Jam Tribute Band), The Boogie Hustlers, Gene The Werewolf, Crashing Metropolis, 28 North, Gramsci Melodic, The Spacepimps, LoveBettie, The Delaneys, Triggers, Nomad, Havannah Drive, Pop Rocks, Burning Earth, Tony Lee, & Cathsleigh.
    - More details here

  • National Moment Of Remembrance
    TODAY, 3:00 PM

    - As beneficiaries of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and those putting their lives on the line presently, at 3 p.m., local time, on May 25, 2009, pause for one minute to represent national unity.
    - More details here

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    And, if you happen to be breakfasting at the White House this morning, you'll be enjoying Pittsburgh's own Pamela's pancakes with President Obama, the Obama family and 80 military veterans. (More details here.)

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