May 10, 2009

Sestak Straw Poll

Did you know an organization called the Progressive Campaign Change Committee has a straw poll out? has the story:
A liberal political group, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, went live Wednesday with an online straw poll designed to gauge progressive support for a Democratic primary challenge to Sen. Arlen Specter.

More specifically, the effort is aimed at determining the depth of Netroots support for Rep. Joe Sestak, the two-term Democrat who hasn’t ruled out running against Specter.
Some background:
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which is devoted to electing progressive candidates to office, plans to announce the results of the unscientific survey Monday — perhaps providing a signal to Sestak as to how much support he can expect from the online liberal grass roots.

Adam Green, a co-founder of the five-month-old organization, said that his group’s goal was to “call the question on a primary in general and whether Sestak’s the candidate in particular.”

“Our hope is that this will have an impact on the political environment in which Joe Sestak makes his decision and in which the larger political world makes their evaluation,” Green said. “If it turns out that it’s 50-50, that would be very informative. If it’s 90-10 in favor of Sestak, that would be very informative too.”

The committee has teamed up with prominent liberal blogs, including Daily Kos, as well as local Pennsylvania political Web sites to circulate the poll. Voting ends at 10 a.m. on Monday, and users can track ongoing results on the poll’s site.
Here's the poll.

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