May 5, 2009

This Just In From The Dowd Campaign

Council member Patrick Dowd today issued a press release calling Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and "embarrassment.

"Again and again Luke’s embarrassing missteps have made national news. His misleading ad is just the latest example," he said. "Intentionally misleading voters in order to get votes is the highest form of pandering and deception. The national press called him out on it. Now I'm going to do the same thing, so the voters know they have a choice."

“In this election, Pittsburghers don't have to settle anymore for thousand dollar trash cans, risky bond deals, and national embarrassments,” Dowd continued.

The press release stated that the ad will be shown on all the local news casts in the six o'clock hour tomorrow. But you can see it here.

The video:

The text:
Luke Ravenstahl is making headlines for the wrong reasons…and it’s turned into a national embarrassment.

First Luke’s thousand dollar trashcans...

Then his risky Wall Street-style bond deal that cost taxpayers millions and put our city in more financial peril.

And now, Luke’s done it again, embarrassing himself nationally by taking credit for tax cuts he actually voted against…twice.

It’s time to end the waste and political games.

It’s time for Patrick Dowd.
And so on.

UPDATE: After posting this, I contacted the Ravenstahl campaign (via their website) for a comment. Whatever they send back by way of comment, I'll post here.

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