June 30, 2009

Act 47: There's going to be a showdown

Pittsburgh City Council will likely vote on the Amended Act 47 Recovery Plan today.

Yesterday in an email blast, Councilor and Finance Chairman Bill Peduto wrote:
As of this moment, it is still unclear whether or not City Council will support the plan. The Act 47 coordinators have requested final action before July 1st, when collective bargaining begins for most of the city’s workforce. Tuesday is June 30th and the plan still lacks the five votes it needs.
He's quoted in today's Post-Gazette (posted at midnight) as saying:
The new fiscal plan for the city, under state Act 47 for distressed municipalities, "is far too important to vote down," said council Finance Chair William Peduto. He said he detected "willingness" among state officials to include enough council-backed changes to the 300-page documents "that should be enough to get us to five" votes on the nine-member council.


Last week council tentatively approved the plan 5-3, with one abstention, but only after tacking on a slew of amendments. Mr. Peduto said yesterday that a compromise was emerging based on amendments sponsored by him, Bruce Kraus and Theresa Smith.

State officials are "working with us to form [the amendments] into a plan, not that they're going to be happy with, but that they're going to find acceptable," Mr. Peduto said.
And, he tweeted the following about seven hours ago:

Guess I'll be watching the City Channel this morning . . .

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