June 10, 2009

Salon Debunks Some Myths.


Here's an example:

Myth: Led by Obama, Democrats are planning to reinstitute the Federal Communications Commission's Fairness Doctrine, eviscerating right-wing talk radio in the process.

Who's spreading it: Rush Limbaugh; Sen. Jim DeMint

What they believe: The government used to require radio and TV broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to public policy discussions, and to provide "contrasting views" on the matters discussed. The FCC abolished the rule in 1987, under President Ronald Reagan. The next year, America was first treated to the dulcet tones of Rush Limbaugh's national radio show, thus ushering in a golden age of broadcast wingnuttery, interspersed with ads for mattresses. So now that a Democrat -- and one as suspicious as Obama is, to boot -- is in the White House, conservatives are certain that a nefarious plot to undo Reagan's handiwork is underway. There's also a more generalized paranoia that sweeping media reforms will be implemented under the guises of "localism," "media diversity," and "community interests," which, in the right-wing imagination, can have but one purpose: to muzzle conservative voices. The terror this appears to be striking in the hearts of the right is almost charming: "As a candidate, Barack Obama was mostly relegated to filing complaints, threatening lawsuits and organizing angry mobs to intimidate dissenters," one piece on NewsBlaze warns. "As President, Obama now has unbridled power to systematically destroy the only source of checks and balances to his radical policies: talk radio."

Obama is allegedly going to clamp down with backdoor policies determining whether or not talk radio stations offer voices that are in the "public interest"; they'll refuse to renew licenses to those that don't fit their standards. World Net Daily has written that it's even possible Obama wants to go further -- by nationalizing the newspaper industry, in order to control it. "It's a program worthy of the old Soviet Union -- where the old joke noted there was no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia," WND contributor Joseph Farah wrote, adding a nice communist twist to the myth. (Note to Farah: The joke works only if people know "Pravda" is Russian for "truth," and "Izvestia" is Russian for "news," which you didn't mention.)

What is real: Yes, many Democrats like to grumble about talk radio, and yes, some have said they'd like to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. But even Fox News has reported that the White House has no plans to do that. Obama "does not believe the Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated," a spokesman told the network less than a month into his term. Going the belt-and-suspenders route, the Senate has also passed a bill by South Carolina Republican Jim DeMint, which would ban the return of the doctrine. (Lawmakers also approved a proposal by Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat, to affirm existing FCC policy that encourages diversity in media ownership, though, which has made conservatives antsy.)

Still, the Republican agitation about the alleged return of the policy is way overblown; they're so busy opposing it that they've skipped right past the fact that no one is really trying to do it. As Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, told the Washington Times in January, "We have enough real problems facing this country that we don't need to invent ones that don't exist." That may be true if you're trying to govern. But it's not true if you're trying to scare the right-wing masses.

In case you hadn't noticed teh crazies also believe that Obama's a "Nazi-styled eugenicist" who is in league with Planned Parenthood's evil plot:
Planned Parenthood has diabolically perpetrated their murderous plot to surgically eliminate those they deem undesirable. In other words, kill the babies of unsuspecting minority women by aborting their children. Then, tell them this is a “good thing” for you and your people.

No other ethnic group in the United States has been decimated more by abortion than the Afro-American community. The war being waged upon innocent captives in the womb is led by Planned Parenthood.
Then there's "Obama is a fascist" for bailing out some car companies. To which Salon retorts:
Bush-era torture, surveillance and aggressive warfare do not meet the standard for fascism, but bailing out a bankrupt car company apparently does.
But my favorite is "Obama is the Antichrist." The reasons?
Why, Nostradamus predicted his coming. Obama bears traits resembling the Antichrist, according to former "Saturday Night Live" cast member and current Christian wactress Victoria Jackson. He sends subliminal messages to his minions and to his master, Satan. Also, Jesus' biblical prediction of the coming of the Antichrist describes him as coming as "lightning from heaven"; that translates to "baraq o bama" in Hebrew. And if Obama were not the Beast foretold in Revelation, why would the nickname for his presidential limo be -- the Beast? And, why, on the day after his election, was the winning number in the Illinois lottery 6-6-6?
It turns out that the lottery number for that day WAS 666. So, you know, uh-oh.

Teh Crazie's here to stay.


  1. There was something, I might have read here, about how violence aimed at abortion clinics was higher during the Clinton years. Clearly, there is an indication that it *could* be on the rise again. In other words, when a Democrat is elected President, it is time to start killing people who provide people with abortions.

  2. Also regarding the higher rate of abortions among African American women, I pointed out in the same link above that there's a very simple explanation for that high rate: they also have a three times greater rate of unintended pregnancies and that the groups who say there's a conspiracy also are against birth control.

  3. just makes my head hurt, the stupid, it does!

  4. As Atrios would say: The stupid! It burns!
