June 11, 2009

Teh Crazie Responds

Yesterday, the OPJ blogged on Shepard Smith of Fox "News."

Seems he's not so a big fan of teh Crazie out there.

In a piece with a headline that reads:
Shep Smith attacks right-wing 'crazies'
Rips people questioning eligibility as being 'out there in a scary place'
World Net Daily has responded.

First they try to undermine Smith's credibility with a nine-year old traffic altercation. And then they counter with Glenn Beck:
Two hours after Smith's TV remarks about "crazies," his network colleague Glenn Beck said of the shooting in Washington, "This is not the work of right-wing conservatives."

"This guy is a lone gunman nut job," Beck said. "I'm not stirring the pot. I am pointing out that the pot is boiling and there is trouble in America. ... Common sense tells you that there are very hateful people on the right and on the left."
As I am sure many people have pointed out, if the shooter was named Mohammad, Fox "News" would be telling a different story altogether.

Right Wing Terrorism, round two.


  1. You are trying to use this tragedy to push a political agenda...you have no idea where this madman's loyalties lie.

    I've heard people compare conservatives and Republicans to the "God Hates Fags" entourage in Kansas, completely oblivious to the fact that Fred Phelps, the leader of the church, is a registered *democrat*.


    Another exampls would be David Duke, who is as far right as it gets yet seems to wind up more on your side when he sits down for a nice heart-to-heart discussion with Ahmadinejad in Iran, something the militant "antiwar" movement has pushed for some time now.

  2. Here's another reminder not to jump to conclusions...reports are surfacing now that the shooter may have considered the Weekly Standard as a target.

    In his published work, he also ranted against "The Neocons" and apparently believed Bush was responsible for 9/11.

    In the wake of an event like this, we all need to come together as Americans, not divide ourselves.

  3. From firedoglake:

    The usual suspects are trying to convince us that there's absolutely no evidence that James von Brunn, who will be charged with murder, was not a right-winger. Here's what we know so far about him.

    1. He hates the US government.
    2. He hates liberals.
    3. He said President Obama was "created by Jews."
    4. He believes Obama wasn't born in the United States.
    5. He holds conspiratorial views about the federal reserve.
    6. He feared the takeover of the country by "black governors."
    7. He was active in the white separatist movement.
    8. He is an anti-Semite.
    9. He is a known associate of William Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries.
    10. He is a known associate of Stan Hess, formerly of David Duke's European rights organization.
    11. His birther screed was posted approvingly at Free Republic.
    12. He idolized John G. Crommelin, a McCarthyite and segregationist who ran for Governor of Alabama for the ultra right-wing National States' Rights Party.
    13. He calls himself a "White Christian."

    From me:

    No, he isn't a Conservative -- Bush and Neocons are too centrist for him (and Necons are also "too Jewish" for him).

    But, yes, his views put him as an extremist on the Right.

    And, yes, the stuff that Fox/Limbaugh/Bachmann/etc. spew egg guys like him on.
