June 1, 2009

Tiller's Killer

There's been some initial googling here.

KWCH reports:
According to the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office website, 51-year-old Scott Roeder has been booked into to the Sedgwick County Jail shortly after 11:00 Sunday night.
Scott Roeder was also linked to Operation Rescue and was sentenced to jail for breaking his parole 10 years or so ago (the initial conviction involved his being found with bomb components in his car).

Hunter, our Dailykos diarist, sumarizes:
So a bombmaker, tax protester, member of the "sovereignity" movement, anti-abortion zealot and Operation Rescue member: the arrested suspect manages to fit every stereotype of right-wing militia teabagger.
But why now? An inkling of an idea can perhaps be found at talkingpointsmemo. An astute reader writes in to Josh Marshall:
I've read alot about Dr. Tiller having been the focus of the Operation Rescue terror operations in the '90s. However, I'd bet good money that the proximate trigger for this asassination was the right-wing publicity over Tiller as a benefactor of HHS Head Kathleen Sebelius when she was Governor of Kansas. That was the "hot button" that the right wing anti-choice crowd pressed. And this is the result.
Domestic Terrorism - wingnut style.

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