July 1, 2009

More On Sally Kern

Hey, you remember Sally Kern, right?

She's the Oklahoma wingnut who declared that the Pittsburgh city council was controlled by gays.

Well here she goes again. In a proclamation titled "Oklahoma Citizen's Proclamation for Morality" and signed "on the second day of July in the year of our Lord Christ Two Thousand and Nine" State Representative Kern declares, among other things, that those signing the proclamation believe that:
[O]ur economic woes are consequences of our greater national moral crisis
And that:
[T]his nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery
The nation is promoting same sex marriage? And divorce is a form of debauchery? NOTE: I'm not saying that any of the other things she's listed ARE forms of debauchery, mind you. It's just so obvious that divorce isn't. Wasn't Ronald Reagan divorced? And Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. Perhaps the good State Representative Kern thinks they're trafficking all in debauchery.

The proclamation resolves among other things that:
[W]e the undersigned elected officials of the people of Oklahoma, religious leaders and citizens of the State of Oklahoma, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, solemnly declare that the HOPE of the great State of Oklahoma and of these United States, rests upon the Principles of Religion and Morality as put forth in the HOLY BIBLE
And so on...


  1. she's crazy. theocracy rears it's head again.

    haven't people learned anything from the examples of that sort of governing in the middle east?

  2. I'm sure the sham of appearing at the Capitol and giving the impression this is a legislative procedure is exactly what was intended.

    If she were interested in promoting only morality and not instead, introducing her personal religious restrictions, why isn't she using her own church, Olivett Baptist, as her backdrop?

    As always with the mentally unbalanced words and actions are morphed into absurd definitions and shapes. Lies to support other lies are always invented, regardless of how holy the intent of the lies are supposed to be.

    She speaks of divorce as contributing to national decline. How short her memory is for anything except bible verses.

    Kern's patron saint, Ronald Reagan, was divorced, as is Newt Gingrich and Rumbaugh. Sen. Vitter of LA likes diaper sex with paid escorts and Gov. Sandford of SC abandons his family and state duties to amorize in Argentina. Gov. Palin of AK can't teach her eldest daughter to say simple words like, "No".

    When you don't set yourself up on a high soap box in the first place and then mistake it for a psychiatrist's office you don't have to fall so inevitably far when you come up short in your own life.

    Kern should spend more time looking at the fruit falling close to her family tree ( http://tinyurl.com/krahr9 ) before she tries to juice the private lives of others.

  3. I live in Oklahoma and she has people scared with her bullying ways. Then they put up the 10 (or twelve, oh no thats the twelve steps) commandments at the state capitol...?the Religious Right is out of control in Oklahoma and we are desperate fro help...people need to step into this state and help straighten this mess up before these idiots take over....the students at OU tried to do something and were threatened to have the funds taken away because it is a state funded school and we are not allowed to use email or facility for political purpose (unless it is the Religious Right then its ok)....HELP
