July 4, 2009

Real Reason for Sarah Palin Resignation

This photo just surfaced:

(Or maybe something else . . .)

1 comment:

  1. What Sarah Should Have Said

    "Today I am announcing that I am resigning my position as Governor effective July 26. Over the last few months, I have faced constant scrutiny of my record and actions--and this has taken a significant toll on me, my family, and the state of Alaska. Our government is spending countless hours--at a cost we've estimated at about $(x) million so far this year--to address this scrutiny. This is just not fair to the taxpayers of Alaska.

    While I am leaving my post as Governor, I do plan to work from outside the government to promote issues of importance for the citizens of our state and our country. Issues like energy independence, small government, and fiscal conservatism.

    I thank you, the citizens of Alaska, for giving me the opportunity to govern this great state, and I am proud on all we've accomplished. I know I will have your full support in making this transition a smooth one for Alaska. Thank you."

