July 13, 2009

Sotomayor Hearings

As the Senate hearing for Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination starts, here's a reminder of the vitriolic pre-spin she's received from the wingnuts:



  1. Do you trust her on choice? I don't think I do. I'm not sure I could trust any catholic on this issue...

  2. Actually, American Roman Catholics are about as divided on the subject of abortion as the American population as a whole"

    "In new polls from the Pew Research Center, Catholics looked very much like the population as a whole in terms of its views on abortion. The real divisions were in the Catholic community itself--just 30% of white non-Hispanic Catholics who attend Mass weekly said abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 61% of those who attend Mass less often said it should."


    Compared to fundamentalist Protestants, Catholics are a fairly moderate group, though with any religion you are going to get your fair share of fundies who subscribe to nothing but the strictest of orthodoxies. And on some issues - note the Pope's recent comments on economic policy - are a lot more liberal than the American mainstream. Of course, in other areas, they are absolutely wretched and blinded by religious dogma.

    It's interesting that neither liberal nor conservative American Catholics actually adhere, 100%, to Church teachings. Then again, who isn't cherry-picking from the Good Book? Liberals ignore the Church's social stances on issues like a abortion, contraception. Conservatives ignore the Church's stand on the death penalty, war and social justice/economics.
