August 4, 2009

The Perils of Blogging

1. "Sarah Palin's lawyer threatened to serve a blogger with libel papers at the kindergarten where he works for writing a post saying the former Alaska governor was getting divorced." - The Huffington Post

2. "Gagging a local blogger: Homophobic attacks threaten Pgh blogger's employment" - Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents


  1. Maria supports lying/libel/"swiftboating" as long as the target is a Republican.
    Don't forget her outrage at the woman who faked a attack by a Obama support and scratch a backwards B on her face.
    She wanted to throw the book at her.

  2. Eh, the blogger should be left alone. If someone wants to believe the kind of idiocy that appears on "progressive" blogs then they deserve what they get. CNN, on the other hand, should be fair game for repeating it.

  3. HttT,

    Perhaps you really do not understand the significance between a criminal act and a civil action.

    Ashley Todd committed a CRIME for which she plead GUILTY and was sentenced accordingly. Not only did she tie up police resources, she used the ever ready "some black guy did it" excuse. She also defamed our city.

    If it turns out that the divorce rumor is as fake as the "my daughter will be married right after the election" rumor that Palin pushed herself, Palin's attorneys will have to prove malice as Palin is a public figure. Good luck with that.

    Moreover, this is now the fourth threat that her lawyers have issued to various bloggers in the last few weeks -- none of which has been carried out.
