September 8, 2009

ACTION ALERT: Call Your Member of Congress

From Firedoglake:
Do you have 3 minutes this morning?

I need you to call your member of Congress this morning and ask them to oppose any health care plan without a strong public option.

Call this number and ask to speak with your Representative: (202) 224-3121

Why is this so urgent?

Over the weekend, Max Baucus, the Senate "Democrat" holding up health care reform for the insurance industry, came out with his health care reform plan. Frankly, it's garbage - no public option, no big reforms.

Baucus's bill actually forces low- to middle-income American to buy "junk" insurance they can't afford to use, amounting to a giant transfer of wealth to the insurance industry.

Real health care reform must include a public option. Anything else is an insurance industry bailout.

With President Obama speaking to Congress tomorrow night, we need to make that message heard loud and clear.

Call your Representative now: (202) 224-3121

Thanks for all you do.

Take care,

Jane Hamsher
For those in Pittsburgh who are represented by Mike Doyle, call him and thank him for what he said last week:
"I will not vote for a bill that doesn't have a public option," Doyle said, drawing cheers from the crowd.
Make sure he know that we will hold him to this.

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