September 9, 2009

Short Takes: Creepy Old* Men Edition

* By "old" I mean in relation to the ages of those with whom they, um, interact.

  • Iowa school officials strip-search five teenage girls. Regarding a recent Supreme Court ruling against the legality of such strip-searches the school district superintendent Dan Crozier claimed that there are different interpretations of what the term strip-search means. Note: in the Supreme Court case the girl in question was made to strip to her bra and panties and pull those garments away from her body for inspection. In this case, one girl was made to strip completely naked so, yeah, I guess it's different...

  • Family Values married CA Assemblyman caught on a hot mic boasting about having sex with (and spanking) lobbyists 19 years his junior. (h/t to Daily Kos diarist)

  • In Texas: "The Arlington Independent School District, which passed on airing President Barack Obama's live classroom address, has announced that some students will be bussed off campus to hear a message from former President George W. Bush." Utterly creepy for their* hypocrisy and lack of any shame. (*School superintendent and six out of seven trustees are male.)

  • The Pope blames atheists for environmental problems. (*In this instance, yeah, the guy is old.)

    1. And, yes, as we labeled the CA Assemblyman a "creepy old man" we can just as easily label the lobbyists "prostitutes" (except that that gives prostitutes a bad name as they don't typically engage in trying to unfairly alter public policy on energy).

    2. "19 years his junior" means she's 35, and she is clearly not a subordinate to him in a workplace situation. So it's pretty clear she knows what she's doing, and has chosen to do it. Yes, the guy is a creep, but in a different way, so is she.

    3. No argument from me.

      And, by the way, he's already resigned. HA!
