October 8, 2009


Apparently, it's not only our first black President who is "uppity". Our first female Speaker of the House also needs someone to "put her in her place."

Times were so much better when negroes and little ladies knew their place.


  1. The GOP is destroying itself. That line in the NRCC release is so bush league and is a prime example of how to make your opponent's job a whole lot easier. Of course, since that party is busy losing every voter who isn't white, male, Southern, religious and conservative, they might as well write off women as well.

    Prediction: health care reform will pass w/ a public option. And then the GOP gets the pleasure of defending itself in the 2010 elections as the party that wants to take away health insurance.

  2. At least those annoying people yelling "Marg bar dictator!" in Iran have finally shut up so peace can prevail...cheer up

  3. No kind of healthcare reform will occur.The health insurance companys have brought and paid for any news rules and laws.As a working stiff I'm not fooled or moved by the actions of any politican in washington.
