November 6, 2009

Just when you thought they couldn't go any lower...

There's this sign from yesterday's GOP anti-health care rally:

If you can't tell, it reads: "National Socialist Health Care: Dachau, Germany – 1945."

Because trying to expand health care coverage for millions of uninsured Americans is exactly like the mass murder of Jews by Nazis. I mean anyone can see that, right?

One might be predisposed to assume that this banner was the work of someone with a long history of mental problems except for the fact that we know that many attending this rally have been fed a steady diet of outrageous propaganda warning them of death panels, government as the enemy, and a president who is supposedly an illegitimate foreign-born usurper and undercover Muslim terrorist bent on destroying the country.

You can thank Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbough and the rest of the sick, cynical pigs for signs like this one. They've wrapped themselves in hatred and fear and have grown rich and powerful in the process.

Sometimes I wish I believed in hell.


  1. You are either willfully blind, dishonest or completely ignorant of history. Are you even vaguely familiar with the history of 1930s Germany and what led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party, and eventually the slaughter of millions. It's like the current administration (and the LAST ONE, for that matter) is using the SAME EXACT playbook... the Patriot Act (look up Germany's "Enabling Act"), nationalize banks, nationalize industry, nationalize health care (all done under the democratically elected Hitler), using the NEA to promote political "art" (Goebbels would be proud), etc, etc, etc. I'm not suggesting Obama is as sinister (I hope he isn't) but the parallels are uncanny and cannot be denied. But then, you kool-aid drinkers probably secretly aspire for the communist overthrow of our constitutional republic. I've got news for you... expect a bloody revolution. There are too many freedom loving Americans in this country (including many within our military) who will not stand idly by while a tyrannical central government tries to suspend the US Constitution. Our men and women in the military swear an oath to protect and defend our Constitution and I believe wholeheartedly that they will, to the best of their ability, preserve, protect and defend the it from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Obama and his ilk are enemies of the United States Constitution. They continue to do everything in their power to undermine our form of government. The daily actions of this administration and many in Congress prove they are bent on destroying this great nation. God bless the true patriots of this country and God have mercy on the United States. To my brothers and sisters in Christ, please fervently pray wisdom and discernment for our representatives (dare they represent us) and our President.

  2. Um, wow. Frightening how myopic and delusional some people are..

  3. Um, one's an insane mass murderer.

    And, um, the other, is um, not.

    The banks have NOT been nationalized, nor has industry.
    And neither is health care.
    And we already have medicare, which has not resulted in mass murder.
    The public option is an "option."

    Any comparison is ludicrous and your logic is absurd.

  4. wow someone should turn off fox and cut down on the caffeine and realize that CHRIST wasn't an american OR a christian so give HIS name a rest and stop using it paranoid little arguments.

  5. You know, Obama has gone out of his way to extend olive branches to Republicans on various pieces of legislation. Some of his doing that might well improve legislation (such as looking into reforms on malpractice suits), other things such as putting tax cuts into the stimulus bill probably contributed to the jobless part of the current recvovery. I believe Obama is being so deferential to Republicans in part because he is accutely aware of his position as first African American President. The moment he tells someone they are being racist their will be a chorus of "see, he's a typical black man (actually probably the "N" word) all around the country. Liberals around the country now are disappointed that Obama has not tried to bully the Republicans, but as I say Obama is taking the retrained high road. Meanwhile that doesn't stop the tea party people and bloggers like Kevin from accusig Obama of being a Nazi. When he is assasinated (and it is looking to me like that is increasingly likely because of the irresponsible language being used by so-called patriotic libertarian people these days), I really hope the left rises up and forces the rest of the country to solve global warming, to drive tiny electric cars and live in apartment buildings with close and convenient shopping (food stores oriented towards healthy foods, the only snacks available being soy based), all TV's being smaller than 25", with cable being devoted to artistic and public programming, healthcare being treated as a right (not a sign of status) and freely available, people being forced to exercise, wages of executives being cut until they are no more than ten or fifteen times those of the lowest paid workers, and Al Gore being named a national hero (he is too cool to become President for life, even though that would be best for us). That would be justice.

  6. Kevin,

    Where are the bodies?

    Seriously, where are they?

    European nations have universal health care and certainly some are are actually socialist nations, so where are the bodies?

    You know, the ones that they must be hiding because -- according to your logic -- they must be killing millions right now.

    You are a silly person.

  7. There is nothing any of us can say to someone like Kevin to make him see the error in his thinking and comments.

    Kevin, folks, is a "true believer." You are not going to persuade him otherwise. He is someone who has decided to live in a fantasy world.

    His first line says everything we need to know about Kevin - he is willfully blind, dishonest and completely ignorant of history.

    The people that democracies need to worry about are those who threaten to overturn a legal election with violence.

  8. I enjoy the multitude of Twitter updates referring to Michelle Bachman (R - The Mothership). Really, it is good to have a lighthearted moment while all vestiges of my rights to control my own body are flushed away by 65 Democrats. Laughter may be the only medicine left to my poor uterus.

  9. Ship of fools... all of you. Your rights will vanish soon enough when this government takeover is complete. But by the time YOU realize what's actually taking place it will be too late to do anything to stop it. Shame on all of you! Our republic was dealt a fatal blow tonight with the passage of this bill that, once again, nobody had time to read. Passed in the middle of the night just like the bailouts, just like the Patriot Act, just like the rest. Sadly, this great experiment in freedom is near its end. There was a coup in this country but nobody saw it because the enemies, like wolves in sheep's clothing, disguised themselves as "Democrats" and "Republicans". This was all foretold decades ago by a man named Robert Welch. Search YouTube for "Robert Welch 1958" and you will see something that will blow your mind.
